
When the Right to Vote and the Right to Run for Political Office Do Not Coincide

09.11.2017 , in ((Dual Citizenship of Politicians, Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Ignazio Cassis’ renunciation of his Italian citizenship has re-launched the debate on the meaning of political rights – and, in particular, the right to run for political office – in Switzerland. According to Cassis, his decision was necessary – politically, although not legally – in order to be elected to the Federal Council. At the same time, Cassis did not see dual citizenship as an obstacle to vote or to run as a candidate to the Federal Parliament. This episode shows that the right to vote and the right to run for political office are not necessarily aligned. ...

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Can Elected Politicians Have Two Passports?

31.10.2017 , in ((Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

On Wednesday, 1 November, Ignazio Cassis formally replaces outgoing federal councilor Didier Burkhalter as the seventh member of the Federal Council of Switzerland. Born to Italian parents in the Swiss canton of Ticino, Cassis gave up his Italian citizenship just weeks before being elected. His decision sparked a heated debate on whether elected politicians should surrender their foreign passports and renounce their dual citizenship, once elected to a post. In Switzerland, there is no legal obligation to do so. ...

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Il était une fois … Contes de fée et visions d’horreur au pays des affiches politiques suisses

22.09.2017 , in ((Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Une jolie princesse blonde, une vilaine sorcière tout de noire vêtue, des oiseaux de mauvais augure, une grosse brute barbare, trois moutons blancs et un mouton noir, des fainéants s’enrichissant « aux frais de la princesse », des usurpateurs, … L’énumération de ces différents protagonistes n’est pas celle du dernier conte de fée à la mode, mais bien un aperçu de l’éventail des personnages étant apparus au cours de ces dernières années dans les affiches de propagande helvétique. ...

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Kommission nimmt die Migration ernst

12.09.2017 , in ((Médias, Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

«Eidgenössische Migrationskommission. Gremium mit Schlagseite» So lautete die Schlagzeile eines Artikels in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung NZZ. Die Vorwürfe: Die Migrationskommission soll politisch einseitig zusammengesetzt sein und einer Nichtregierungsorganisation gleichen. Walter Leimgruber, Präsident der Eidgenössischen Migrationskommission, widerspricht und nimmt dezidiert Stellung dazu. ...

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