COVID-19 + Mobility

Transnational Entrepreneurs: Between Vulnerability and Solidarity

07.05.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

The immobility caused by the current coronavirus crisis affects migrant entrepreneurs in Switzerland who depend on transnational connections for their businesses. Their reactions to the outbreak highlight their vulnerable position, but also their creativity and the importance of supportive networks for building resilience. In recent years, transnational entrepreneurs have been ...

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Battle of Narratives: Discursive Responses to the Coronavirus Pandemic

28.04.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility, Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

In this time of pandemic, there have been heated debates surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), from its high infection rate to the measures mitigating it and the availability of tests. Among these fiercely debated topics, the virus’ origin has prevailed as one of the most contested ones, provoking frustration and assertion ...

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