
Retour sur la notion de passeur

16.06.2017 , in ((Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

La notion de passeur est aujourd’hui négativement connotée: elle renvoie généralement à l’image d’êtres malveillants qui profitent de personnes vulnérables pour s’enrichir à leurs dépens. Il est nécessaire de revenir sur les significations de ce terme dans le contexte actuel afin de déconstruire les idées reçues qui lui sont associées. ...

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Keine Integration ohne Information

02.06.2017 , in ((Médias, Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Diese Woche im Tagesanzeiger zu lesen: Corinne Mauch (SP), Stadtpräsidentin von Zürich, hat ausländische Personen mit der Empfehlung angeschrieben, sich über die Voraussetzungen zur Einbürgerung zu informieren. Dem Schreiben liegt ein Flyer bei, der sowohl die alten als auch die neuen Einbürgerungsbestimmungen illustriert. Die neuen Bestimmungen treten am 1. Januar 2018 in Kraft. ...

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Beyond Relocation: The Contested Role of NGOs

23.05.2017 , in ((Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

The EU relocation mechanism for Italy and Greece promised to be the first fully-fledged experiment of “non-just-financial” solidarity among EU Member States in the field of asylum. After more than a year of implementation, its shortcomings appear as clear as the sun in the summer sky. However, it holds some merits, primarily to have shown the advantages of a better integration of NGOs in the governance of asylum redistributive schemes. The same NGOs are now under attack. Why? ...

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Back to the Future: Trump’s Executive Orders on Migration and Refugees

05.05.2017 , in ((Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

The United States has a long history of excluding foreigners on the basis of race and religion, and Americans always have been profoundly ambivalent about immigration. At times they have been comfortable with diversity and confident in their ability to assimilate newcomers, while at other times they have worried about national unity and frightened of foreigners almost to the point of paranoia. ...

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“I Want My Entry Tickets Back!”

28.04.2017 , in ((Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

The Swiss experience is very instructive for the role of the free movement of persons in the upcoming Brexit negotiations. It is much easier to grasp the importance of migration in these negotiations if the control over somebody’s migration is understood as a valuable right. Brexit is the attempt to take back these rights from the European citizens without any compensation in turn. Most probably, that will not work out. ...

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