
Stranded in Academic Mobility: The Isolating Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic

16.03.2021 , in ((COVID-19 + Early Career Academics)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Mobility is a key criterion for assessing academic excellence. International mobility undoubtedly allows junior researchers to have essential experiences and broaden their networks. Nevertheless, the difficulties that go along with mobility – relocation of family members, administrative burdens, and informal connections with the host institution – can reduce these potential ...

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Family Affairs – An Intergenerational Dialogue on Diaspora

14.01.2020 , in ((Experiences)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Descendants of international migrants have differing relations and connections to the country of their parents’ origin. Through the portraits of Aminata and her father Lansana – both Germans of Guinean origin, I studied the shifting meaning of “diaspora” for subsequent generations. The diasporic identity could be seen as disentangled from ...

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“My Heart Is Still There”: Family Reunification of Refugees in Brazil

08.01.2020 , in ((Experiences)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Family reunification, a phenomenon often studied in developed countries, is necessary to guarantee the right to family life for refugees. Based on interviews of refugees living in São Paulo, my study highlights the different strategies refugees adopt in selecting a family member to join them in Brazil through the reunification ...

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Are Highly Skilled Immigrant Women Professionally Integrated?

25.06.2019 , in ((Gender, Skills, Migration)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Upon arriving in host countries, highly skilled immigrant women face numerous challenges entering the labor market. Not only may it be difficult to find a professional occupation, but that occupation may not suit their educational level, skills or knowledge. A recently published working paper shows the importance of family obligations ...

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