
Le défi de la légitimité : Communiquer sur la restriction de la mobilité pendant la pandémie

01.02.2022 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility, Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Face à la pandémie de COVID-19, les gouvernements du monde entier ont réagi en imposant des restrictions incisives de la mobilité des personnes. Dans des sociétés libérales profondément interdépendantes, ces restrictions de mobilité ont un coût social et économique important. L’incapacité à justifier et à légitimer ces restrictions incisives des libertés ...

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Making Responsibility-Sharing Operational: Comparing Asylum and Climate Governance

31.08.2021 , in ((Politique, Practices)) , ((Pas de commentaires))
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International law demands that refugees obtain humanitarian protection in a safe country. However, which country should be responsible for which refugee remains a contested and unresolved question of international asylum governance – in particular in the event of refugee emergencies. Sharing the common responsibility of humanitarian protection is motivated by ...

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Refugees in Exile in Berlin: Finding Informal Means to Survive

19.05.2021 , in ((Mobility + Informality)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Homeless refugees in Berlin face systemic inequalities. Their support network, which consists of German citizens and other refugees, tries to challenge these conditions by assisting the homeless in accessing private and public shelters informally.  It seems relevant, therefore, to look at how informal systems can help undo some of the ...

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Exceptional Uncertainty: Early-Career Anthropologists in the Corona Pandemic

23.03.2021 , in ((COVID-19 + Early Career Academics)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

The Covid-19 pandemic has proven to significantly affect the current state of life and work of early-career fieldworkers and ethnographers, as they have had to manage the subsequent restrictions imposed on their fieldwork. Based on discussion at the Research Infrastructures and Emotional Challenges workshop, we highlight the challenges faced by ...

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Fading Career Prospects of Mobility Researchers “Stuck” in Immobility?

17.02.2021 , in ((COVID-19 + Early Career Academics, Experiences)) , ((Pas de commentaires))
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What happens when you are researching a topic that is suddenly suspended and prone to alter fundamentally in the future? How are the early career prospects of mobility researchers and their sense of purpose when getting “stuck” and isolated in an unfamiliar place? While the “new normal” and its implications ...

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