Auteur/autrice : Malika Wyss

Grandparenting Across Borders: A Form of Transnational Ageing

12.04.2022 , in ((Transnational Ageing)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Grandparenting across borders represents a form of transnational ageing that increasingly concerns seniors regardless of whether or not they have a migration background or previous international mobility experiences. Based on insights from the nccr-on the move’s “Transnational Ageing” study, this blog post highlights the extent of transnational grandparenting practices among ...

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Transnational Grandparenting: Childcare in Migrant Families in Switzerland

22.05.2019 , in ((Experiences)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Transnational grandparents and their contribution to the intergenerational circulation of care are rarely subject of attention in social sciences and public discourses on migration. Yet, as a central dimension of family solidarity, grandparents’ involvement in childcare also takes place within transnational families, both in countries of origin and settlement. Various ...

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