asile + réfugiés

Navigating the Controversy: European Policies and Ukrainian Refugees

27.09.2023 , in ((Europe on the Brink)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

The ongoing invasion of Ukraine has transformed the European landscape of migration, making Ukrainians the largest group of arriving asylum seekers. This group stands out not only for its demographics – comprising predominantly of women, the elderly, and children – but also for its unprecedented transborder mobility. In light of ...

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Frontex’s Disseminated Ideology: Constructing a Racialized, Gendered and Illegitimate Other

15.02.2023 , in ((Racism in International Migration)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Through its Annual Risk Analysis Reports, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, also known as Frontex, disseminates a particular ideological view of migration and border control. This view seems to be based on a need to create a racialized, gendered, and illegitimate “other” to justify the border control services, ...

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