28.03.2024 , in ((Civil Society and Refugees))
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Vincent Bürgy
La participation effective des personnes réfugiées dans les processus les concernant n’est plus une vague idée, mais se concrétise désormais à différents niveaux. Toutefois, malgré les avancées, telles que la création d’une équipe de réfugiés au sein du HCR, l’Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés et la reconnaissance de
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19.03.2024 , in ((Civil Society and Refugees))
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Andi Geu et Peter Mozolevskyi
In der modernen Welt wird das Thema Beteiligung am politischen und gesellschaftlichen Leben immer relevanter. Ein herausragendes Beispiel für das Bestreben, Geflüchtete aktiv und selbstbestimmt in die Gestaltung der Gesellschaft einzubeziehen, ist das « Flüchtlingsparlament » in der Schweiz, das vom National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) ins Leben gerufen wurde. Es zeigt
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14.03.2024 , in ((Ukrainian Refugees))
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Fiona Mubi
What are the profiles and socio-economic conditions of refugees from Ukraine in Switzerland? What are their intentions regarding return? A survey by UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, in cooperation with the State Secretariat for Migration and Ipsos SA Switzerland, provides answers to these questions. UNHCR, the State Secretariat for Migration
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06.03.2024 , in ((Ukrainian Refugees))
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Didier Ruedin
Russia’s ‘22 invasion of Ukraine has led to an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, with millions of Ukrainians seeking refuge abroad. While international efforts have tried to support the displaced, the scale of migration presents many challenges for host countries. In this context, many social scientists have sought to analyze the situation.
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20.02.2024 , in ((Climate-Induced Migration))
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Cyprien Fluzin
Refugee lawyers have long contested the popular use of the term “climate refugee.” What could seem like legal nitpicking has the merit of highlighting major differences in legal categories. It also reveals international law’s current inability to offer adequate systematic solutions to forced cross-border displacement caused by climate change. Nonetheless,
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