société civile

Different Ways of Involvement: Migrants’ Political Participation

21.12.2018 , in ((Blog series, Politique, Skills and Migration)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Immigration to Switzerland is highly selective and predominantly temporary. This has implications for migrants’ engagement and social inclusion. Residing on a short-term basis affects migrants’ relationship with the environment they live in. Then again, new residents are better educated than ever, which has implications for their ability to act. There ...

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The Rocky Road of Refugees to German Universities

30.11.2018 , in ((Blog series, Politique, Skills and Migration)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Access of migrants and refugees to German universities depends on the classification of their prior degrees and qualifications. The access routes into higher education for refugees are challenged by achieving language competencies and proving their ‘ability to study’. Many refugees who reached Germany in the last few years are already ...

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Student Initiatives Helping Refugees to Study at Swiss Universities

29.11.2018 , in ((Blog series, Politique, Skills and Migration)) , ((Pas de commentaires))
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Up to ten percent of the refugees in Switzerland have a background in higher education. Facing many more obstacles than the average student, such as limited financial support and not verified diplomas, fugitives with academic background find it very hard, if not impossible, to continue their education at a Swiss ...

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Opération Papyrus – un bilan à mi-parcours

13.03.2018 , in ((Politique, Sans-Papiers)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

Le Canton de Genève a présenté, le 20 février 2018, un bilan à mi-parcours de l’Opération Papyrus, lancée l’année passée. Le Rapport rédigé pour l’occasion donne un visage à une population qui été laissée de côté jusqu’au présent et rouvre le débat sur les opérations de régularisation des personnes « sans-papiers ». ...

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Beyond Relocation: The Contested Role of NGOs

23.05.2017 , in ((Politique)) , ((Pas de commentaires))

The EU relocation mechanism for Italy and Greece promised to be the first fully-fledged experiment of “non-just-financial” solidarity among EU Member States in the field of asylum. After more than a year of implementation, its shortcomings appear as clear as the sun in the summer sky. However, it holds some merits, primarily to have shown the advantages of a better integration of NGOs in the governance of asylum redistributive schemes. The same NGOs are now under attack. Why? ...

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