Call for Papers. Highly Skilled or Highly Wanted Migrants?
Panel proposal for the
12th IMISCOE Conference and
1st Annual Conference of the nccr – on the move
Geneva, 25–27 June 2015
Highly Skilled or Highly Wanted Migrants? Conceptualizations, Policy Designs and Implementations of High–skilled Migration Policies.
This panel offers an opportunity to delve into the construction of migrant categories through policy design and policy implementation. It also proposes to widen the focus beyond immigration authorities in order to include various actors that are in one or another way involved in the process of selecting, supporting or employing highly skilled workers.
Organizers: Dr. Metka Hercog and Laure Sandoz, MA Institute of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, University of Basel
Deadline for abstract submission is 4 January 2015.
Download the Call for Papers as PDF