Call for Papers. Internationalising our Understanding of Student Mobilities.

Panel proposal for the
12th IMISCOE Conference and
1st Annual Conference of the nccr – on the move
Geneva, 25–27 June 2015

Internationalising our Understanding of Student Mobilities: Beyond the Anglo Model

Following the Anglosaxon model, it has been commonly assumed in studies of international student mobility that the neoliberalisation of the university sector has led to a growth in high fee‐paying international students. However, do these processes of advanced neoliberalism extend beyond the metropolitan core of English‐speaking countries, or how do they manifest in other parts of the world?

Organizers: Parvati Raghuram, Open University, United Kingdom and Yvonne Riaño, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Deadline for abstract submission is 5 January 2015.

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