Philippe Wanner and
Rosita Fibbi

Inventory of Individual Statistical Data on Migration to, from and within Switzerland in a Post-Census World

Migration flows and their consequences for immigration societies need statistical data to be adequately managed. In this context, researchers and policy makers regularly delve into original information to monitor issues, such as social cohesion, structural integration and migrants’ living conditions. The aim of this project is threefold: first, it valorizes already existing information and links datasets; second, it gathers new data through the Migration-Mobility Survey; and, third, it analyzes and diffuses those data.

Project Fact Sheet (PDF)
Main Results (PDF)

Messages for Decision-Makers

The development of a longitudinal statistical database allows for a new picture of the migratory phenomenon to emerge, where migrants trajectories are analyzed in their complexity and diversity, from their arrival in the country to their possible departure.

The Migration-Mobility Survey carried out in 2016 with almost 6’000 migrants sheds lights on their trajectories, living conditions and future projects. A new round will be conducted in fall 2018.

Project-related scientific publications