Le présent chapitre apporte un éclairage psychosocial sur la problématique de l’acculturation des personnes issues de l’immigration et montre notamment tant les implications psychologiques de ce processus que les facteurs prédisant la manière dont ces individus vont vivre la rencontre entre des appartenances socioculturelles différentes. En se basant notamment sur les travaux de Berry (1997), […]
This essay critically engages with the notion of integration in the context of access to higher education for refugees. It argues that integration is a fuzzy and controversial concept and points to the risk of drawing attention away from structural issues, such as accessibility, debates on economization, notions of internationalization, and ways in which universities […]
While predominantly a country of immigration, France also counts with a sizeable population of citizens abroad of around three million individuals (4% of the domestic population). This chapter provides a general overview of France’s diaspora institutions, consular policies and social protection policies for citizens abroad. It describes in detail expatriates’ conditions of eligibility and access […]
This chapter examines the role of Swedish border police officers during and beyond encounters with irregularised migrant individuals, using ethnographically collected data. The chapter aims to trace street-level practices and street-level bureaucrats’ handling of emotional encounters and the underlying moralising discourses regarding irregularised migrants’ presence on the territory. It explores the increasingly intertwined relation between […]
With China’s global economic and political ascendance, a growing and diversifying group of foreigners make Chinese cities their home. Employing the notion of contact zones and critically contesting simplified notions of privileged and segregated ‘expats’, this chapter explores how varying structural and individual conditions foreground the ways in which European migrants experience their presence in […]
The diverse impacts of environmental changes on human beings are increasingly being documented. The effects of such changes can be difficult to isolate from the multiple factors that may increase voluntary or forced movement at the domestic or international level (OHCHR, 2018). These movements can be related to severe weather events, as regularly reported by […]
Depuis la naissance des États-nations, la citoyenneté a été le moyen le plus puissant pour définir une égalité entre les individus. Des attitudes discriminatoires perdurent néanmoins, même dans les sociétés libérales. Le présent chapitre étudie l’accès à la citoyenneté et les facteurs qui favorisent des approches inclusives. Il vise à mesurer l’influence des institutions cantonales […]
A cross-comparative mapping of the provisions on the temporary movement of natural persons (Mode 4, M4) Mode 4 (M4) with the non-services mobility provisions in select Asian (ChAFTA, India-Singapore PTA, EUSFTA, India-ASEAN) and EU PTAs towards non-Asian partners (CARIFORUM EPA, C&P FTA, Georgia DFTA) reveals that PTAs have advanced in GATS-plus and GATS-extra, but just […]
This chapter presents the policies of Swiss institutions in their dealings with Swiss abroad, with a specific focus on the area of social protection. It shows how the Federal Council gained control over a large network of institutions during a relatively short period of time. Since the 1960s, the Federal Council has developed encompassing social […]
Dans ce chapitre, nous examinerons le patrimoine des ménages, autre indicateur important de l’intégration et des conditions de vie des immigrés. Nous comparerons, en nous concentrant d’abord sur le revenu, puis sur le patrimoine, les conditions de vie matérielles des ménages immigrés, des ménages non immigrés et des ménages mixtes en Suisse et en Allemagne. […]
Dans un contexte marqué par des migrations internationales continues, il est important de disposer d’outils permettant de mesurer le niveau d’intégration sociale et structurelle des populations issues de la migration. La mesure de l’intégration prend tout son sens lorsqu’elle est effectuée d’une manière longitudinale, c’est-à-dire depuis l’arrivée en Suisse et durant l’ensemble du séjour. Aujourd’hui, […]
In this chapter, we seek to shed light on the mechanisms of perceived discrimination: Who, among recent immigrants, is more likely to feel discriminated against and report it when asked in a survey? Social scientists typically define discrimination as an observable and unjust difference in the treatment of distinct groups. To personally feel discriminated against, […]
This contribution investigates how cantonal norms of inclusion or exclusion, as expressed by cantonal integration policies and attitudes towards immigrants (xenophobia and right-wing voting), affect immigrants’ national identity in terms of their feelings of attachment to Switzerland. This chapter complements the emerging body of research emphasizing the relevance of studies “beyond and below” national policy […]
Transnational studies have been in vogue for the past two decades. Nevertheless, there remain important knowledge gaps concerning migrants’ transnational formations. First, most of the literature relies on qualitative case studies. The few existing quantitative studies have shown that transnationality is far from being a “lifestyle” and that factors other than individual preferences are at […]
This chapter provides a general overview of the Migration-Mobility Nexus in Switzerland. Today’s patterns of migration move on a continuum from long-term and permanent to increasingly temporary and fluid. Based on data from the Migration-Mobility Survey and on theoretical and political considerations, it aims at providing a general empirical overview of the migration flows towards […]
This chapter seeks to answer the question of how resource differentiation influences the forms and aims of migrant engagement, that is, the political participation of recent migrants in Switzerland. More-fluid patterns of mobility highlight the need to observe different approaches to residents’ civic engagement, which are not restricted to the practices of full citizens. We […]
International migration is a relative newcomer on the “trade and” agenda and has hitherto received relatively little attention in trade and migration studies alike. The inclusion of labour migration as one essential mode of cross-border trade in services, so-called Mode 4 in the GATS, opened the agenda for more far-reaching developments at the level of […]
How does demographic change influence immigration policies in Western welfare states? In this chapter, I discuss two perspectives on the relationship between demographic ageing and labour immigration policies. Welfare states are under financial strain and face a trade-off between too little immigration that could undermine their economic foundation and too much immigration that could undermine […]