Switzerland, the First Experience abroad for More than Half of the Migrants

Number of countries lived in, except for Switzerland and the country of origin (Source: Migration-Mobility Survey 2016)

More than half of the surveyed migrants have never lived in another country than in Switzerland and their country of origin (53%), 27% have lived in one other country, and 20% in two or more other countries.

However, the mobility behavior before arriving in Switzerland greatly differs between the origins. We observe four different types:

  • Portuguese, South American, Germans, and Italians arrived in Switzerland – most often – directly from their country of origin.
  • Almost 45% of the West Africans and Indians have lived in at least one other country, before arriving in Switzerland.
  • Austrian, Spanish and French citizens show an increased mobility behavior with over 20% having lived in two or more other countries than Switzerland and their country of origin.
  • North Americans and citizens from the United Kingdom are the most mobile people, with more than two third of them having lived in a third country, and around 40% who have lived in two or more countries.

Finally, women – of all origins – were slightly less mobile than men. They represent a higher share of individuals who have never lived in another country than Switzerland and their country of origin than men.