Philippe Wanner Explaining and Interpreting Migration Flows and Stocks
Project Summary
This project aims to better document the transformation of contemporary patterns of mobility and migration by exploring questions around drivers of migration, family patterns, and the economic and social objectives of migration. Building on statistical data gathered during 2014-2018, and through the Migration-Mobility Survey 2016, our research provides insights on demographic, economic, and social dimensions of current migration and mobility trends based on data collection and analyses. Our project thus also supports access to migration-related data and organizes this data to carry out up-to-date analyses.
Subproject 1: Migration-Mobility Survey (MMS)
The MMS is conducted every two years since 2016. It allows an in-depth study of migration flows and their impact covering a wide range of issues (such as migration experience, employment, family configuration, transnationalism, and more).
Subproject 2: Longitudinal Database (LDB)
Developed in 2015 and regularly updated, the LDB links different registers, censuses, and surveys produced over the last 22 years.
Scientific Poster 2022 (view as PDF )
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Today’s Migration-Mobility Nexus in Switzerland
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