26.03.2019 , in ((Blog series, Discrimination))
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Daniel Auer
In terms of its societal functioning, one could argue that Switzerland is a failed state, because we didn’t manage to put merit over prejudice. Every day, we, as a society, are at the same time victims and perpetrators of discrimination. It’s a complex topic, but one thing is for sure:
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06.03.2019 , in ((Blog series, Erfahrung))
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Barbara Waldis und Amel Mahfoudh
Caring for vulnerable kin, children and elderly parents plays an important role in transnational families. As addressed in the global care circulation concept, female migrants from the Global South taking care of children and elderly members of wealthy families solve a public problem privately. We slightly change the focus and
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12.01.2018 , in ((«Good Practices»))
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Etienne Piguet
Au Canada, un « programme d’immigration pour entrepreneurs et entrepreneuses » a mis en péril l’équilibre social dans la région de Vancouver. La Suisse connaît, comme le Canada, l’un des plus fort taux d’immigration au monde : risque-t-on, dès lors, de telles évolutions en Suisse aussi ? Cette question parmi d’autres a été discutée avec le Prof. David Ley à l’occasion de la remise de son doctorat honoris-causa par l’Université de Neuchâtel.
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28.08.2017 , in ((Erfahrung))
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Eva Zschirnt
Journalistinnen und Journalisten des Bayrischen Rundfunks und des Spiegels haben in einem Experiment gezeigt, dass Personen mit ausländischen Namen auf dem deutschen Wohnungsmarkt diskriminiert werden. Dieses Phänomen ist zwar nicht neu – aber in Europa bisher noch zu wenig belegt.
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05.05.2017 , in ((Politik))
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James F. Hollifield
The United States has a long history of excluding foreigners on the basis of race and religion, and Americans always have been profoundly ambivalent about immigration. At times they have been comfortable with diversity and confident in their ability to assimilate newcomers, while at other times they have worried about national unity and frightened of foreigners almost to the point of paranoia.
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