01.12.2017 , in ((Border Criminologies, Erfahrung))
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Damian Rosset und Christin Achermann
While institutions of migration control and management are increasingly sought-after research sites, they are and will remain particularly sensitive ones as they evolve in a highly politicized field. Consequently, researchers encounter many challenges associated with gaining and maintaining access to these sites. The posts of this new series of blog posts – originally published on the Border Criminologies Blog – shed light on the way access shapes scientific knowledge.
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16.06.2017 , in ((Politik))
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Laure Sandoz
La notion de passeur est aujourd’hui négativement connotée: elle renvoie généralement à l’image d’êtres malveillants qui profitent de personnes vulnérables pour s’enrichir à leurs dépens. Il est nécessaire de revenir sur les significations de ce terme dans le contexte actuel afin de déconstruire les idées reçues qui lui sont associées.
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09.12.2016 , in ((Politik))
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Metka Hercog
Recently we witnessed the election of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States of America. Given that he has no prior political experience, his election was for a long time considered unthinkable. And since he built his election campaign on xenophobic, racist and sexist language, many dreaded such an outcome. Immediately, questions were also raised about what Trump’s election means for international relations and whether it will boost other populist movements worldwide.
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29.09.2016 , in ((Was meinen wir mit …))
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Laura Rezzonico
Solitamente, le persone recluse in carcere hanno commesso un crimine o un delitto (pena detentiva) o sono sospettate di averlo commesso (carcere preventivo). Eppure, nelle carceri svizzere si trovano centinaia di persone private della libertà per motivi amministrativi legati esclusivamente alla loro condizione di stranieri. Che cos’è la carcerazione amministrativa? Quando può essere ordinata nei confronti di un migrante? Quali sono le condizioni di detenzione vigenti in Svizzera in materia di carcere amministrativo?
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09.09.2016 , in ((Medien, Politik))
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Christin Achermann und Jana Häberlein
In den vergangenen Wochen rückte das italienisch-schweizerische Grenzgebiet in den Fokus der öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit. Es wurde deutlich, dass auch im Zeitalter der Schengener Abkommen nationalen Grenzen und ihrer Kontrolle eine grosse Bedeutung zukommt, diese aber nur begrenzt möglich ist. Was geschieht heute an der Grenze? Und warum denken wir nicht über weniger statt über mehr Grenzkontrolle nach?
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