27.10.2021 , in ((Gestion migratoire))
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Raphaël Rey
Toute personne qui demande l’asile, en Suisse ou ailleurs en Europe, passe par une procédure juridique visant à reconnaître la légitimité de sa demande, sa qualité de réfugié·e, son besoin de protection, et à lui attribuer ou non un statut qui lui permettra de séjourner légalement sur le territoire national.
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21.05.2021 , in ((Mobility + Informality))
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Hilal Alkan
During the Syrian conflict that sparked after the insurgency in 2011, 5,6 million Syrians sought refuge in other countries. During their life-changing journeys, in order to achieve mobility, Syrians have had to seek illegal services of some intermediaries. These professionals, whom Syrians call “simsar,” are brokers of mobility, across borders
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06.05.2021 , in ((Mobility + Informality))
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Romm Lewkowicz
Refugees are vilified for using illegal practices. But illegality is deeply embedded in Europe’s asylum system: hotspots formalize smuggling routes as a precondition for asylum; illegal ‘push-backs’ push migrants to destroy papers; and overburdened states pressure refugees to move to more prosperous ones, illegally. There is a clear shift in
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15.04.2021 , in ((Mobility + Informality))
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Laure Sandoz
In recent academic literature, transnational migrant entrepreneurs are represented as active agents capable of mobilizing resources situated in different countries to develop businesses. Mobility, however, is an unequally distributed resource, and restrictive migration regimes limit the possibilities of individuals to become entrepreneurs. An ethnographic study in Barcelona highlights the obstacles
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21.01.2021 , in ((Migration and Mobility in 2050))
, ((1 Kommentar))
Henrietta Nyamnjoh
Migration is not only a constant of human society but has also greatly contributed to its history. The development of non-restrictive and inclusive migration policies has consistently proven a challenge to many governments. But what lessons could be drawn from the COVID-19 pandemic to improve migration management? In a famous
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