
La discrimination à l’embauche des descendant·e·s d’immigré·e·s

03.11.2021 , in ((Gestion migratoire)) , ((Keine Kommentare))

Au-delà des différences de permis de séjour qui contribuent à créer des hiérarchies de droits entre personnes étrangères, la discrimination demeure un problème bien réel en Suisse. Fondée sur l’attribution de caractéristiques collectives considérées comme innées et statiques, la discrimination peut être basée sur divers facteurs tels que la nationalité, ...

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Krisen und Migrationspolitisierung: Kontext ist Trumpf

15.09.2021 , in ((Politik, Practices)) , ((Keine Kommentare))

Welchen Einfluss haben Krisen auf die Politisierung von Migration? Dieser Frage sind wir mit Leslie Ader und Didier Ruedin in einem jüngst erschienenen Artikel nachgegangen, in dem wir sogenannte ‚claims‘ – Einzelaussagen und Interviewäusserungen aber auch Abstimmungen oder Proteste – untersucht haben, über die in grossen Schweizer Printmedien berichtet wurde. ...

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Smugglers and Estate Agents: Syrian Refugee Views on Informality in Germany

21.05.2021 , in ((Mobility + Informality)) , ((Keine Kommentare))

During the Syrian conflict that sparked after the insurgency in 2011, 5,6 million Syrians sought refuge in other countries. During their life-changing journeys, in order to achieve mobility, Syrians have had to seek illegal services of some intermediaries. These professionals, whom Syrians call “simsar,” are brokers of mobility, across borders ...

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Why Has the European Court of Justice Shifted Toward a More Restrictive Position on Access to Welfare in Member States?

01.04.2021 , in ((Politik)) , ((Keine Kommentare))

This is a repost of blog contribution that was originally published at The Loop on 12 March 2021. From 2014, ECJ decisions on welfare access have departed significantly from previous case law. Angie Gago and Francesco Maiani analyse two Court dialogues, one with the EU legislator, the other with national ...

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Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Careers of Young Researchers

25.03.2021 , in ((COVID-19 + Early Career Academics)) , ((Keine Kommentare))
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The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the daily working routines of researchers across the globe. Researchers at an early career stage – when mobility, networking, and specialization are essential – may be particularly vulnerable to the measures taken against the spread of the disease. How have the first months of the ...

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