Ausschaffung + Inhaftierung
22.02.2018 , in ((Erfahrung))
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Francesca Esposito und Silvia Scirocchi
Despite the increasing scholarly attention to immigration detention around the globe, relatively little is known about life and the lived experiences of the people inside these sites of confinement. This is particularly true of the perspectives of professionals who provide services in these contexts. What are the lived experiences of people working in Rome’s detention center of Ponte Galeria? What complexities, struggles and contradictions do they encounter when working inside a custodial environment?
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20.02.2018 , in ((Erfahrung))
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Laura Rezzonico
In contrast to many other countries, Switzerland confines most of its immigration detainees in ordinary prisons together with convicted or on remand prisoners – although usually in separated areas. As a consequence, prison officers are those in charge of the confinement and exclusion of migrants. They are constantly confronted with their suffering, which may take the form of bewilderment, anger, or despair, and develop forms of moral detachment to cope with the situation.
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16.02.2018 , in ((Border Criminologies, Erfahrung))
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Maayan Ravid
Political discourse and public debate are sites where exclusionary and criminalizing rhetoric about migrants emerges in visible and often explicit forms. A more “mundane” site of analysis is the everyday language of state bureaucracy: Administrative detention, “infiltrators”, and “open detention facility”. Officially, these terms are chosen based on technical or bureaucratic considerations. However, the way these choices are experienced, and their symbolic significance, cannot be ignored: They construct a punitive, criminal aura.
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03.07.2017 , in ((«Good Practices»))
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Sarah Progin-Theuerkauf und Salome Schmid
Am 26. April 2017 entschied das Bundesgericht in einem Grundsatzentscheid zur Dublin-Haft: Die separate Inhaftierung von Mitgliedern einer afghanischen Familie sowie die Fremdplatzierung der betroffenen Kinder hat das in der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention (EMRK) garantierte Recht auf Familienleben verletzt. Die Inhaftierung des Ehepaares im Kanton Zug lässt sich zudem laut Bundesgericht nur «knapp» nicht als unmenschliche oder erniedrigende Behandlung gemäss EMRK qualifizieren.
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07.03.2017 , in ((Medien, Politik))
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Laure Sandoz
Alors que l’élection de Trump et ses premiers pas à la présidence ont monopolisé l’attention des médias au cours des derniers mois, on pourrait penser qu’il ne se passe plus grand-chose aux frontières de l’Europe. Que reste-t-il de la soi-disant « crise des réfugiés » qui a déchaîné tant de passions entre 2015 et 2016 ? Que s’est-il passé depuis la fin de l’année 2016 aux frontières de l’Europe ?
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