
Edito: Wie das Migrationsrecht Prekaritäten verschärft

09.06.2021 , in ((Social Work)) , ((Keine Kommentare))

Die dritte Blogserie zu Sozialer Arbeit, Migration, Mobilität und Integration thematisiert erneut unterschiedliche Grenzziehungsmechanismen in diesem Spannungsfeld. Die Beiträge beleuchten, wie auch in der Sozialen Arbeit verhaftete soziale, (migrations-)rechtliche, politische und nationalstaatliche Grenzen zur Prekarisierung von Menschen beitragen. Das Bewusstsein dafür und entsprechende Handlungsstrategien für den Umgang damit sind aktuell ...

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Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Careers of Young Researchers

25.03.2021 , in ((COVID-19 + Early Career Academics)) , ((Keine Kommentare))
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The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the daily working routines of researchers across the globe. Researchers at an early career stage – when mobility, networking, and specialization are essential – may be particularly vulnerable to the measures taken against the spread of the disease. How have the first months of the ...

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Immobilized by the Pandemic | Moving Forward in Academia

10.02.2021 , in ((COVID-19 + Early Career Academics)) , ((Keine Kommentare))

Academic mobility is often a prerequisite for professional development and career advancement for early- career scholars. The immobility created by the global pandemic disrupted and challenged this mobility, while simultaneously inciting a reappreciation of the interactions it used to fuel. What are the consequences of immobility from a personal perspective ...

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