Doctoral Graduates

Congratulations: You’re a Doctor!

Announcing our latest doctoral graduates!

We want to congratulate the following researchers for having achieved the doctor’s degree. They cooperated with our projects and have now completed their doctoral work in the frame of the nccr – on the move. We wish them every success for the future and thank them for their contribution to our NCCR.

Doctoral Graduates 2024

Pia Pannatier

Essays in Migration and Labor Economics (13.12.2024)

Supervised by Prof. Tobias Müller, University of Geneva

Projects: Migration and Labor Market Inequality: The Role of Skills, Gender and Trade and The Longitudinal Impact of Crises on Economic, Social, and Mobility-Related Outcomes: The Role of Gender, Skills, and Migration Status

Stefan Manser-Egli

Il/liberal Integrationism. A Contradiction in Terms: Respecting the Values of the Constitution as an Integration Requirement in Switzerland (10.06.2024)

Supervised by Profs. Janine Dahinden, University of Neuchâtel and Matteo Gianni, University of Geneva

Projects: Small Localities at the Peripheries of Europe: Transnational Mobilities, Diversification and Multi-Scalar Place-Making and Towards a Novel Mobility Regime? The Legacies of the COVID-19 Pandemic Regarding the Governance of Human Movement

Matthieu Vétois

News Coverage of Immigration and the Normalization of Far-Right Nativism (30.04.2024)

Supervised by Profs. Juan M. Falomir-Pichastor, University of Geneva and Eva G. T. Green, University of Lausanne
Project: Societal Norms as Predictors of Behavior and Attitudes regarding Migration among National Majorities and Immigrants

Doctoral Graduates 2023

Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik

The trade-migration policy nexus in the European Union: a conceptual and empirical analysis (13.11.2023)

Supervised by Prof. Sandra Lavenex, University of Geneva
Project: Migration Governance through Trade Mobilities

Roxane Gerber

Familles issues de la migration en Suisse : Mobilité internationale et expériences de vie (21.09.2023)

Supervised by Prof. Philippe Wanner, University of Geneva
Project: Explaining and Interpreting Migration Flows and Stocks

Livia Tomás

Ageing Transnationally: A Comparative Analysis of Transnational Mobilities in Old Age (28.08.2023)

Supervised by Profs. Mihaela Nedelcu, University of Neuchâtel and Eric Crettaz, HES-GE
Project: Transnational Ageing: Post-Retirement Mobilities, Transnational Lifestyles and Care Configurations

Frowin Rausis

lmitating lrresponsibility in Refugee Protection: Theoretical Foundations for and Empirical Contributions to the Study of Safe Country Policy Diffusion (25.07.2023)

Supervised by Profs. Joachim Blatter, University of Lucerne and Sandra Lavenex, University of Geneva
Project: The Mobility of Migration Policies: Pathways and Consequences of the Diffusion of Migration Policies

Emmanuel Charmillot

Exploring the social organization of difference at the interface of mobility and peripherality: Ethnographic study in a Swiss valley (28.06.2023)

Supervised by Prof. Janine Dahinden, University of Neuchâtel
Project: Small Localities at the Peripheries of Europe: Transnational Mobilities, Diversification and Multi-Scalar Place-Making

Aurélie Pont

Acquisitions de la nationalité suisse : de l’intention à l’(im)mobilité (28.06.2023)

Supervised by Prof. Philippe Wanner, University of Geneva
Project: Explaining and Interpreting Migration Flows and Stocks

Leslie Ader

Tracing the Historical Politicization of Migration and the Commodification of Social Protection Claims in Switzerland: Dilemmas of Mobility and Citizenship for Immigrants with Disabilities (23.06.2023)

Supervised by Prof. Gianni D’Amato, University of Neuchâtel
Project: Mobility, Diversity, and the Democratic Welfare State: Contested Solidarity in Historical and Political Comparative Perspective

Luca Pfirter

Doubting the national order of poverty. The moral administration of “poor others” in Swiss welfare and migration bureaucracies (19.06.2023)

Supervised by Prof. Christin Achermann, University of Neuchâtel
Project: Governing Migration and Social Cohesion through Integration Requirements: A Socio-Legal Study on Civic Stratification in Switzerland

Petra Sidler

Minority and Majority Adolescents’ Attitudes Toward Mutual Acculturation (13.03.2023)

Supervised by Profs. Gianni D’Amato, University of Neuchâtel and Wassilis Kassis, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz and Universität Zürich
Project: Overcoming Inequalities in the Labor Market: Can Educational Measures Strengthen the Agency and Resilience of Migrants, Refugees, and their Descendants?

Christina Mittmasser

Migrants pursuing the entrepreneurial “dream” in Switzerland: Cross-border trajectories and unequal opportunities (22.02.2023)

Supervised by Prof. Etienne Piguet and Associate Prof. Yvonne Riaño, University of Neuchâtel
Project: Migrant Entrepreneurship: Mapping Cross-Border Mobilities and Exploring the Role of Spatial Mobility Capital

Mia Gandenberger

Understanding migrant deservingness in multi-ethnic societies (27.01.2023)

Supervised by Prof. Giuliano Bonoli, University of Lausanne
Project: Welfare: Inclusion and Solidarity

Doctoral Graduates 2022

Marco Bitschnau

Crises of Mobility, Mobilities of Crisis: Studies on Movement and Disruption (30.11.2022)

Supervised by Prof. Gianni D’Amato, University of Neuchâtel
Project: Mobility, Diversity, and the Democratic Welfare State: Contested Solidarity in Historical and Political Comparative Perspective

Oliver Pedersen

Imagining the Future: A Sociocultural Psychological Study of Im/Mobilities in and around Suðuroy (16.11.2022)

Supervised by Prof. Tania Zittoun, University of Neuchâtel
Project: Small Localities at the Peripheries of Europe: Transnational Mobilities, Diversification and Multi-Scalar

Salomon Bennour

The great accelerator: The relationship between inclusive political reception contexts and immigrants’ sedentary ties (23.05.2022)

Supervised by Prof. Anita Manatschal, University of Neuchâtel
Project: Societal Norms as Predictors of Behavior and Attitudes regarding Migration among National Majorities and Immigrants

Doctoral Graduates 2021

Shpresa Jashari

Language as B/Order : Crossing European Borders and Boundaries through Mandatory ʻPre-Integrative Language Testingʼ (11.10.2021)

Supervised by Prof. Janine Dahinden, University of Neuchâtel
Project: Gender as a Boundary Marker in Migration, Citizenship and Belonging

Laura Rezzonico

Legitimising exclusion through criminalisation. An ethnography of immigration detention in Switzerland (15.06.2021)

Supervised by Prof. Christin Achermann, University of Neuchâtel
Project: Restricting Immigration: Practices, Experiences and Resistance

David A.J.G. de Groot

The many faces of civil status recognition – A legal analysis in the light of EU citizenship and the case law of the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights (26.05.2021)

Supervised by Profs. Jörg Künzli and Alberto Achermann, University of Bern
Project: From “Traditional” to “New” Migration: Challenges to the International Legal Migration Regime

Camilla Alberti

Outsourcing asylum reception. Street-level organizations and the privatization of state action in Switzerland (11.03.2021)

Supervised by Prof.Christin Achermann, University of Neuchâtel
Project: Restricting Immigration: Practices, Experiences and Resistance

Islam Borinca

(Mis)Understanding outgroup pro-social behaviors (13.01.2021)

Supervised by Prof. Daphné Bavelier, University of Geneva
Project: Societal Norms as Predictors of Behavior and Attitudes regarding Migration among National Majorities and Immigrants

Doctoral Graduates 2020

Barbara von Rütte

The Human Right to Citizenship – From State Privilege to Individual Right (24.09.2020)

Supervised by Profs. Alberto Achermann and Jörg Künzli, University of Bern
Project: From “Traditional” to “New” Migration: Challenges to the International Legal Migration Regime

Rorick Tovar

Legal Pluralism and Efficiency in Marriage Law (02.03.2020)

Supervised by Prof. Gerard-René de Groot, Maastricht University and Prof. Florian Eichel, University of Bern
Project: The Law and Economics of Migration Policy

Doctoral Graduates 2019

Teresia Gordzielik

Sozialhilfe im Asylbereich zwischen Migrationskontrolle und menschenwürdiger Existenzsicherung (16.12.2019)

Supervised by Prof. Sarah Progin-Theuerkauf, University of Fribourg
Project: The Emergence of a European Law on Foreigners

Damian Rosset

Producing Knowledge and Legitimacy: Country of Origin Information in Asylum Procedures (02.12.2019)

Supervised by Prof. Christin Achermann, University of Neuchâtel
Associated to project: Restricted Immigration: Practices, Experience and Resistance

Julie Lacroix

Interrelations entre trajectoires résidentielles, familiales et professionnelles: Le parcours de vie des immigrés en Suisse (18.09.2019)

Supervised by Prof. Philippe Wanner, University of Geneva
Project: Inventory of Individual Statistical Data on Migration to, from and within Switzerland in a Post-Census World

Mamadou Pathé Barry

Méthodes statistiques d’analyses longitudinales dans le domaine de l’immigration. Application au parcours de vie des étudiants africains en Suisse avec l’utilisation de données administratives (10.09.2019)

Supervised by Prof. Etienne Piguet, University of Neuchâtel
Associated to project: International Student Mobility between the South and the North

Faten Khazaei

Manufacturing Difference: Double Standard in Swiss Institutional Responses to Intimate Partner Violence (07.09.2019)

Supervised by Prof. Janine Dahinden and Prof. Marylène Lieber
Associated to project: Gender as a Boundary Marker in Migration, Citizenship and Belonging

Esma Baycan Herzog

Social Cohesion in Post-Migration Societies In defense of a Post-Migration Paradigm (01.07.2019)

Co-supervised by Prof. Helder de Schutter and Prof. Matteo Gianni
Project: Citizenship and Immigration: An Empirical and Normative Analysis of Swiss Philosophy of Integration

Aldina Camenisch

Swiss Migrant Professionals in China: Middling Migration between Privilege and Marginality (01.07.2019)

Supervised by Prof. Walter Leimgruber, University of Basel
Project: The Mobility of the Highly Skilled towards Switzerland

Joanna Menet

The Esperanto of the Body. Entangled Mobilities, Gender and Ethnicity in the Transnational Salsa Circuit (26.03.2019)

Supervised by Prof. Janine Dahinden, University of Neuchâtel
Associated to project: Gender as a Boundary Marker in Migration, Citizenship and Belonging

Annique Lombard

International Students in Switzerland: Trajectories, Stay Rates and Intentions for Post-Graduate Mobility (22.03.2019)

Supervised by Prof. Etienne PIGUET, University of Neuchâtel
Project: International Student Mobility between the South and the North

Doctoral Graduates 2018

Déborah Levitan

Between Continuity and Change. A Psychosocial Perspective of Families in Repeated International Mobility (17.12.2018)

Supervised by Prof. Tania Zittoun, University of Neuchâtel
Project: Families in geographical itinerancy

Alice Milivinti

Modeling Future Migration Trends and their Impact on the Swiss Pension System (14.11.2018)

Supervised by Prof. Philippe Wanner, University of Geneva
Project: Demographics of new forms of mobility

Florian Tissot

Doing Family on the Move: Highly-Skilled Migrants in the Lake Geneva Region (Switzerland) and the Frankfurt Rhine-Main Region (Germany) (05.11.2018)

Supervised by Prof. Gianni D’Amato, University of Neuchâtel
Associated to project: Unity and Diversity in Cohesion

Eva Zschirnt

Ethnic Discrimination in the Swiss Labour Market: Ethnic Hierarchies in Correspondence Test Results (02.11.2018)

Supervised by Prof. Gianni D’Amato, University of Neuchâtel
Project: Discrimination as an obstacle to social cohesion

Robin Stünzi

Les multiples visages d’une rationalité sécuritaire dans les politiques d’asile suisses : une analyse socio-historique de la production de discours et de stratégies gouvernementales autour d’une mobilité indésirable (13.09.2018)

Supervised by Prof. Christin Achermann, University of Neuchâtel
Associated to project: Discrimination as an obstacle to social cohesion

Tuan Nguyen

Three Essays on the Economics of Immigration (30.08.2018)

Supervised by Prof. Tobias Müller, University of Geneva
Project: Labor market effects and the political economy of ‘new’ migration

Laure Sandoz

Intermediaries, Channels and Privileges: A Journey into the Mobility of the ‘Highly Skilled’ towards Switzerland (23.05.2018)

Supervised by Prof. Walter Leimgruber, University of Basel
Project: The Mobility of the Highly Skilled towards Switzerland

Daniel Auer

Drivers of Immigrant Employment in Switzerland (08.05.2018)

Supervised by Prof. Giuliano Bonoli, University of Lausanne
Project: Integration Through Active Labor Market Policy
Faculty prize for outstanding dissertation quality

Doctoral Graduates 2017

Stefan Schlegel

Der Entscheid über Migration als Verfügungsrecht (17.03.2016)

Supervised by Prof. Walter Kälin, University of Bern
Project: From “Traditional” to “New” Migration: Challenges to the International Legal Migration Regime

Ilka Steiner

Immigration and Settlement? German Migrations Flows to and from Switzerland under the Provision of Free Movement of Persons (26.06.2017)

Supervised by Prof. Philippe Wanner, University of Geneva
Project: Inventory of Individual Statistical Data on Migration to, from and within Switzerland in a Post-Census World

Doctoral Graduates 2016

Ensar Can

Zwei empirische Studien zu aktuellen Fragestellungen der Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt- und Sozialpolitik (21.11.2016)

Supervised by Prof. George Sheldon, University of Basel
Project: Politico-Economic Analyses of Immigration and Integration

Michaela Slotwinski

Causal Evidence from Discontinuities: Four Essays in Political and Public Economics (02.09.2016)

Supervised by Prof. Alois Stutzer, University of Basel
Project: Politico-Economic Analyses of Immigration and Integration

Veronica Preotu Petrencu

Essays on the Economics of Conflict and Migration (16.02.2016)

Supervised by Prof. Mathias Thoenig, , University of Lausanne
Project: Labor Market Effects and the Political Economy of “New” Migration to Switzerland

Stefanie Kurt

Die rechtliche Situation von religiösen Minderheiten im Kontext des schweizerischen Föderalismus: die Religionsfreiheit und das Verbot der religiösen Diskriminierung: Grundlagen, Konsequenzen, Perspektiven (27.01.2016)

Supervised by Prof. Cesla Amarelle, University of CITY
Project: Unity and Diversity in Cohesion: Immigration, Citizenship and Federalism

Doctoral Graduates 2015

Nathalie Ramel

Drei Studien in angewandter Arbeitsmarktökonomie (17.04.2015)

Supervised by Prof. George Sheldon, University of Basel
Project: Politico-Economic Analyses of Immigration and Integration