29 – 30 May 2017. Causes and Consequences of Highly-Skilled Migrants in the Labor Market.
International Workshop
Causes and Consequences of Highly-Skilled Migrants in the Labor Market
nccr – on the move and NCCR LIVES
29 – 30 May 2017
University of Geneva, Uni Mail, Bd du Pont-d’Arve 40
This workshop is public and free. For organizational reasons, please send an email to Marco Pecoraro if you want to join.
Highly-skilled migration and the international mobility of talent is a major issue in a globalized world. Most studies in the literature focus on the economic evaluation of gains and losses due to the brain drain (human capital emigration) from developing to developed countries. One of them is the phenomenon of brain waste according to which migrant workers underutilize their education and skills in the host labor market. Another topic of interest refers to the host labor market effects of immigration. In parallel, a growing number of studies have stressed the role of skilled migration in generating benefits for destination countries. Finally, a new trend in the literature analyzes the effects of high-skilled immigration taking the perspective of firms.
This workshop on the highly-skilled migration aims at assembling the best and most recent contributions of empirical research active in the fields of economics, sociology and demography to discuss approaches across disciplinary boundaries and benefit from cross-fertilization.
The workshop is part of the IMISCOE research initiative on highly-skilled migrants and brain waste.