Building Empirical Evidence: Ethical and Inclusive Strategies for Data Collection
Core Course
Wednesday 17 April 2024
University of Neuchâtel
This course is part of Doctoral Program of the nccr – on the move. We welcome all members of the NCCR community and doctoral students enrolled in a CUSO program to join us.
This problem-based course is designed to equip participants with ethical and practical strategies for data collection in social sciences. The course is organized around critical discussions in groups, and the outcome of these discussions should allow participants to have ready-to-go checklists and written materials they can use for their research. The course is primarily designed for qualitative researchers, but many of the questions discussed are also of great importance for quantitative data collection.
The course will be held at the University of Neuchâtel, Av. Abram-Louis Breguet 2, Room 2.310.
Please register through this link no later than 12 April 2024.
Program and detailed information can be found here (PDF)