International Workshop: Restricting Immigration: Practices, Experiences and Resistance

18 May 2018
University of Neuchâtel, Avenue du 1er Mars 26 (Main Building), Room C56, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Enforcing migration control implies making choices about who is allowed to enter and/or stay in the national territory and who is not, thus producing categories and processes of inclusion and exclusion. Exclusion is defined as a status and process, by which a person or categories of persons are deprived of access to and participation in opportunities, resources and rights.

This international workshop gathers researchers studying different countries and investigating how the exclusion of migrants trying to enter or requested to leave a country is practiced, experienced, and contested by several actors involved. The papers focus on two fields of practices: border control and immigration detention.

Workshop program (PDF)

Participation in the workshop is free, but please register until 16 May 2018 by sending an e-mail to Jonathan Miaz.