Launch of Documentary “Weaving Threads Across Borders”

Friday, 25 November 2022, 17:15 – 18:30, followed by an apéro

University of Neuchâtel, Av. du Premier-Mars 26, Room C54

The documentary “Weaving Threads Across Borders” – “Tejiendo entre Fronteras” – shows the struggle of three Colombian women living on the Colombia-Venezuela border, a zone of geopolitical conflict where guerrillas, paramilitaries, and the Venezuelan army fight for control over the territory. These three stories are illustrative of the situation experienced by many internally displaced persons and forced migrants. Despite the pervasive violence, the immobility policies of the Venezuelan government, and the absence of the Colombian state, these women develop strategies to survive with their small businesses and to weave social fabric between the two sides of the border. The documentary, constructed in three chapters, focuses on these important dynamics.

The screening of the documentary will be introduced by Yvonne Riaño (documentary research and script), followed by an open discussion together with Germán Arango (documentary director and script), Ana Teresa Castillo (documentary field-support), and Carolin Schurr (discussant).

This documentary has been funded by the nccr – on the move and the University of Neuchâtel.

All the information on the documentary launch can be found here (PDF)

If you have any questions, please contact Nora Bardelli, Knowledge Transfer Officer at the nccr – on the move