Migration and Socio-Economic Inequality in Times of Crisis

Research Days

27 October 2023, 9:30 – 15:15
University of Neuchâtel

This Research Day is part of the Doctoral Program of the nccr – on the move.


  • 09:30: Fellows Workshop
    Dan-Olof Rooth, Stockholm University
  • 11:15: To what extent has the COVID-19 crisis produced an uneven pattern of residential mobility in Switzerland?
    Vestin Hategekimana, University of Geneva
  • 13:30: Guest worker programs: Individual- and firm-level impact on wages and employment
    Kristina Schüpbach, ETH Zurich
  • 14:30: Cantonal variations of integration policies and their effects on family migrants’ labour market integration
    Mélinda Dinh, University of Geneva

The Research Day will be held at the University of Neuchâtel, Av. Abram-Louis Breguet 2, Room 3.416 and on Webex (a link will be sent after registration).

Program and detailed information (PDF).

Please register here.