Zurich, a Sanctuary City?
Monday, 28 October 2019, 18:00 – 19:30
ETH Zurich, Leonhardstrasse 21, LEE E 101
This event is part of the series of events “Sanctuary Cities in Switzerland?”, which takes place in Zurich, Berne and Geneva. The speakers in these events outline the developments in urban migration policies in support of irregular migrants in American, European and Swiss cities. The aim is to discuss the formulation and the effects of Sanctuary Cities and related urban migration policies and compare them with practical examples from the cities of Zurich, Berne and Geneva.
The presentations are followed by an open discussion:
Policies and Evidence from Sanctuary Cities
Prof. Dr. Loren Collingwood, University of California, Riverside
Urban Policies in Support of Irregular Migrants in European Cities
Prof. Dr. David Kaufmann, ETH Zurich
Insights on the Situation and Policies in Swiss Cities
Bea Schwager, head of the Sans-Papiers counselling center SPAZ in Zurich and board member of the “Züri City Card” Association
Moderation: Dr. Philipp Lutz, University of Geneva
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