Public Lectures

The nccr – on the move Public Lecture Series…
… allow for discussing innovative topics in an interdisciplinary space;
… are jointly organized by individual projects and the Network Office;
… and, are coupled with half-day workshops for fellows.

March 2024 – Tie Formation and Boundary-Drawing in Changing Environments: Network Perspectives in (approaches to) Migration Studies, Marta Kindler, University of Warsaw PL

February 2024 – The Return of the Native: Navigating between Nostalgic Nativism and Hopeful Liberalism, Jan Willem Duyvendak, University of Amsterdam NL

December 2023 – Governing Through Mess: Data Borders, Control, Critique, Claudia Aradau, King’s College London UK

October 2023 – Automatic Associations and Discrimination: A Reassessment, Dan-Olof Rooth, Stockholm University SE

September 2023 – Recent Developments and Advances in Understanding Attitudes to Immigration, James Dennison, University of East Anglia and EUI UK/IT

June 2023 – Geopolitical Rivalry and Anti-immigrant Sentiment. A Conjoint Experiment in 22 Countries, Andreas Wimmer, Columbia University US

May 2023 – Can Multiculturalism Contribute to De-polarizing the Current Political Polarization?, Tariq Modood, University of Bristol UK

May 2023 – The Three Moments of Citizenship: Reflections, Yasemin Nuhoglu Soysal, Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) DE

March 2023 – Emergency (Im)mobilities: (Im)mobile Lives in Crisis, Peter Adey, Royal Holloway, University of London UK

December 2022 – Entangled Crises and Their Impact on Migration and (Im)Mobility – What’s an Interdisciplinary Perspective?, Public Lecture by Helle Rydström, Lund University SE

July 2022 – The Integration Nation: Towards a New Critical political Demography, Public Lecture by Adrian Favell, Leeds University UK

Spring 2022. Public Lecture | Academic Conversation Series

Fall 2021. Academic Controversies in the Field of Migration and Mobility Studies

Spring 2021. The Migration-Mobility Nexus

Fall 2020. Human Movement and Inequalities

Spring 2020. The Migration-Mobility Nexus From an Interdisciplinary Perspective

Fall 2019. Migration Governance and Individual Strategies to Move

Spring 2019. Enablers and Deterrents of Mobility

Spring 2018. Challenge of Mainstreaming Integration Governance

Fall 2017. Transnationalities in Migration and Mobility Research

Spring 2017. Crossing Borders – and Then?

Spring 2016. Transnational Perspectives and Future Prospects of Migration and Mobility

Fall 2015. Exclusion – Discrimination – Borders. Dynamics of Inequalities in Migration Regimes

Spring 2015. Paradigmatic Perspectives on Migration and Mobility