Press Clippings
02.02.2025: RTS
Les Échos de Vacarme – Ukraine: des réfugié.es pas comme les autres ?
Robin Stünzi, Education, Careers and Equal Opportunities Officer of the nccr – on the move, interview on Ukrainian refugees.
05.01.2025: RTS
Un outil pour dépassionner le débat sur l’asile et les migrations: interview d’Etienne Piguet
Etienne Piguet, former Project Leader of the nccr – on the move discusses a fair distribution of refugees in Europe (the nccr– on the move-developed data visualization).
20.12.2024: Le Temps
Quel avenir pour les réfugiés syriens en Europe et en Suisse?
Robin Stünzi, Education, Careers and Equal Opportunities Officer of the nccr – on the move, interview on Syrian refugees.
Trop ou pas assez de migrants en Europe? L’Université de Neuchâtel a développé un outil pour le dire
Etienne Piguet, former Project Leader of the nccr – on the move discusses a fair distribution of refugees in Europe (the nccr– on the move-developed data visualization).
12.12.2024: Watson
Warum ein möglicher Wegzug der Syrer den Schweizer Arbeitgebern Sorge bereitet
Michael Siegenthaler, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the impact of potential return of Syrian migrants/refugees on the Swiss labor market.
10.12.2024: Forum RTS
Les enjeux du gel des demandes d’asile des requérants syriens: interview d’Etienne Piguet
Etienne Piguet, former Project Leader of the nccr – on the move on what’s at stake for Syrian refugees.
07.11.2024: SRF
Integration durch Bildung Geflüchtete ergreifen vermehrt das Ausbildungsangebot
Gianni D’Amato, director of the nccr – on the move, on the integration of refugees through education.
30.10.2024: Deutchlandradio
Schweizer Asylpolitik – Interview mit Gianni D’Amato
Gianni D’Amato, director of the nccr – on the move, on the Swiss asylum policy.
22.10.2024: RTS
Neuf centres fédéraux d’asile temporaires vont fermer: interview de Robin Stünzi
Robin Stünzi, Education, Careers and Equal Opportunities Officer of the nccr – on the move, interview on asylum.
21.10.2024: NZZ
Wer die Einwanderung bremsen will, muss die Schweizer Wirtschaft bremsen
Michael Siegenthaler, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the correlation of immigration and economy.
12.07.2024: Swissinfo
«Les Suisses sont un peuple qui franchit les frontières depuis toujours»
Gianni D’Amato, director of the nccr – on the move, on Swiss emigration.
Also available in English, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
11.07.2024: Swissinfo
More and more Swiss are living abroad
The transnational ageing survey-related research of the nccr – on the move is referred to within the article.
Also available in French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian and Spanish.
24.05.2024: SRF
Trend TeilzeitarbeitKönnen wir es uns leisten, weniger zu arbeiten?
Michael Siegenthaler, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on part-time work and shortage of skilled labor.
22.05.2024: Le Courrier
Le 9 juin, «la démocratie est en jeu»
Didier Ruedin, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on foreigners’ voting rights.
14.05.2024: Watson
La Suisse connaît une «pénurie d’enfants» et c’est un sérieux problème
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on demographics and migration.
11.05.2024: Tages Anzeiger
Migrationsexperte im Interview – Mehr Geld für Geflüchtete? Das würde sich für die Schweiz lohnen, sagt dieser Forscher
Dominik Hangartner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the correlation of social assistance and crime among refugees.
17.04.24: SRF 10 vor 10
Der Nationalrat will extremistische Symbole verbieten
Gianni D’Amato, director of the nccr – on the move, on extremist symbols.
16.04.2024: Le Courrier
«Une vie, une voix» part au combat
Rosita Fibbi, former Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on foreigners’ voting rights in the Canton of Geneva.
16.04.2024: La Tribune de Genève
Droit de vote pour les étrangers: une question «de bon sens»
Rosita Fibbi, former Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on foreigners’ voting rights in the Canton of Geneva.
12.04.2024: SRF
Verschärftes EU-Asylrecht, Was bedeutet die verschärfte EU-Asylpolitik für die Schweiz?
Gianni D’Amato, director of the nccr – on the move, on the meaning of the EU’s asylum policy to Switzerland.
08.04.2024: SRF
Hohe Hürden für Politkarrieren – Darum sind die Aticis und Arslans in der Politik untervertreten
Anita Manatschal, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on political representation of migrants.
05.04.2024: Swissinfo
Migration: Is Switzerland importing labour without the people?
Etienne Piguet, former Project Leader of the nccr – on the move.
The article is also available in German, French, Arabic, Italian, Japanese and Portuguese.
03.04.2024: 24h
Une Suisse à dix millions est surtout «un défi politique»
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on demographics and migration.
19.03.2024: Swissinfo
Ukrainer:innen in der Schweiz: Das sind die Lehren aus zwei Jahren Schutzstatus S
The nccr – on the move co-organized (UNHCR) event on refugees from Ukraine.
Also available in English, French, Italian, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish.
18.03.2024: 20minuten
«Man tut so etwas, weil man es kann»
Gianni D’Amato, director of the nccr – on the move, on stereotype related to migration.
17.03.2024: RSI
Il razzismo ha mille facce: tutte pericolose
Gianni D’Amato, director of the nccr – on the move, on racism.
16.03.2024: 24h
Statut S: «Le risque de précariser ces populations est bien réel»
The nccr – on the move co-organized (UNHCR) event on refugees from Ukraine.
15.03.2024: Les Radios Régionales Romandes
Les embûches restent nombreuses pour les Ukrainiens qui cherchent un emploi
The nccr – on the move co-organized (UNHCR) event on refugees from Ukraine.
23.02.2024: La Télé
Quels défis face à la pénurie de main-d’oeuvre en Suisse?
The nccr – on the move co-organized (KOF-ETHZ) event on the shortage of skilled labor.
22.02.2024: Swissinfo
La levée du statut S inquiète les milieux de l’asile
The nccr – on the move co-organized media workshop (with Vivre Ensemble) on the S permit.
21.02.2024: Blick
Les milieux de l’asile s’alarment: Le nombre de renvois d’Ukrainiens de Suisse serait gravement sous-estimé
The nccr – on the move co-organized media workshop (with Vivre Ensemble) on the S permit.
21.02.2024: Le Temps
Pour les Ukrainiennes, un S qui n’est pas synonyme de sésame sur le marché de l’emploi
The nccr – on the move co-organized media workshop (with Vivre Ensemble) on the S permit.
15.02.2024: Watson
Entlassungen, steigende Arbeitslosigkeit und Personalmangel: Wie passt das alles zusammen?
Michael Siegenthaler, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on immigration and shortage of skilled labor.
09.02.2024: RTS
Le grand débat – la Suisse est-elle une terre d’asile?
Robin Stünzi, Education, Careers and Equal Opportunities Officer of the nccr – on the move, debate on whether Switzerland is an asylum country.
14.01.2024: 24h
Toujours plus d’enfants ont des racines étrangères
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on demographics and migration.
29.11.2023: RTS
L’humanité à l’aube du déclin démographique
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on demographics and migration.
23.11.2023: Luzerner Zeitung
Ein Rätsel: Fachkräfte fehlen überall, doch die Löhne steigen nicht – was ist da los?
Michael Siegenthaler, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on immigration and shortage of skilled labor.
13.11.2023: Watson
Voici pourquoi on vit plus longtemps en Suisse qu’ailleurs
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the influence of migration on population structure and well-being.
09.11.2023: Swissinfo
Pourquoi la population étrangère vote peu
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on political rights and participation of migrants.
14.10.2023: NZZ
Dieses Interview müssen Sie lesen, bevor Sie den Wahlzettel ausfüllen
Sean Müller, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on Federal election choices and pressing questions.
14.10.2023: Luzerner Zeitung
«Neuer historischer Höchstwert» in der Zuwanderung – Wirtschaft kommt nicht ohne ausländische Arbeitskräfte aus
Michael Siegenthaler, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on immigration and shortage of skilled labor.
14.10.2023: Watson
«Neuer Höchstwert» in der Zuwanderung – Wirtschaft braucht ausländische Arbeitskräfte
Michael Siegenthaler, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on immigration and shortage of skilled labor.
09.10.2023: RTS
Les Suisses aussi s’exilent pour une vie moins chère
Livia Tomás, former Doctoral student and now PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on the transnational mobilities of retired persons.
09.10.2023: RTN
Comment bouge-t-on lorsqu’on est retraité ?
Livia Tomás, former Doctorat student and now PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on the transnational mobilities of retired persons.
04.10.2023: NZZ
ETH-Arbeitsmarktspezialist: «Ein sehr gut qualifizierter Zuwanderer zieht einen oder zwei weitere Zuwanderer nach»
Michael Siegenthaler, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on immigration, the labor market and shortage of skilled labor.
24.08.2023: NZZ
Geflüchtete am Arbeitsmarkt: Die Schweiz schneidet schlecht ab
Michael Siegenthaler, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on immigration and refugee labor market integration.
22.08.2023: SRF
So prägt die Einwanderung den Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt
Michael Siegenthaler, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on how migration and mobility shape the Swiss labor market.
15.08.2023: RTN
Les talibans au pouvoir depuis deux ans en Afghanistan
Robin Stünzi, Education, Careers and Equal Opportunities Officer of the nccr – on the move, on the potential of providing a humanitarian visa to enter Switzerland to Afghan women.
13.08.2023: SwissInfo
Study: voters and parties discriminate against candidates with non-Swiss names
Daniel Auer, former Doctoral Student of the nccr – on the move, presently Senior Researcher, University of Bern and University of Mannheim discusses political discrimination against candidates with non-Swiss names. Also available in Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish.
09.08.2023: SRF
ETH-Studie zu Asyl – Zustimmung zu Asylsuchenden steigt – auch im rechten Lager
Dominik Hangartner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on willingness to accept refugees.
09.08.2023: NZZ
Ukrainerinnen willkommen – muslimische Männer auf Jobsuche weniger
Dominik Hangartner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on characteristics that make refugees stand out and which ones are rejected.
03.07.2023: Swissinfo – Let’s talk
«La Suisse devra réfléchir à une politique migratoire moins focalisée sur les pays voisins»
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on demographics and migration.
05.06.2023: Blick
Wo die Behörden überall auf die schlaue Technologie setzen Künstliche Intelligenz hilft Bund bei Flüchtlingszuteilung
Dominik Hangartner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on using AI to increase the employment rate of refugees.
31.05.2023: SRF
«L’immensità» – zwei Themen, ein starker Film
Alois Stutzer, former Project Leader of the nccr – on the move discusses political participation as being positive for integration.
24.05.2023: SRF
Wie verteilt Europa Flüchtlinge fair? Entscheiden Sie!
Etienne Piguet, former Project Leader of the nccr – on the move discusses a fair distribution of refugees in Europe.
14.05.2023: Blick
«Sie sollten helfen, statt uns Steine in den Weg zu legen» Kantone hindern Flüchtlinge am Arbeiten
Dominik Hangartner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on refugees’ ability to work in Switzerland.
13.05.2023: Le Temps
Philippe Wanner: «En Suisse, c’est l’économie qui décide de l’immigration»
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on demographics and migration.
23.03.2023: Südostschweiz
«Es ist einfach: Die Leute wollen Geld verdienen und das Leben geniessen»
Sean Müller, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, and Great Udochi, doctoral fellow, on why well-educated people often leave places like the Glarnerland and also talk about their own migration experience.
10.03.2023: RSI Rete Uno Millevoci
Quel razzismo che c’è ma non si vede
Gianni D’Amato, director of the nccr – on the move, on the report on structural racism in Switzerland produced by the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies.
07.03.2023: Watson news
9-Millionen-Schweiz: «Die Migration ist eine demografische Notwendigkeit»
Anita Manatschal, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on whether migration would remedy demographic shifts
24.02.2023: Blick
«Non, 15% des réfugiés ukrainiens qui travaillent, ce n’est pas un échec»
Robin Stünzi, Education, Careers and Equal Opportunities Officer of the nccr – on the move, on the Ukrainian refugees’ labor market integration.
23.2.2023: swissinfo
“Niemand migriert wegen grosszügigeren Sozialversicherungen”
Angie Gago, associated researcher of the nccr – on the move, on welfare tourism between Switzerland and the EU.
22.02.2023: SRF
Wahljahr 23: Interesse an Secondos als potentielle Wähler wächst
Anita Manatschal, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on upcoming federal elections 2023 in Switzerland: is there an increased interest in secondo voters?
07.02.2023: La Opinion
Colombianas retornadas ‘tejen’ sus vidas en un documental
Yvonne Riaño, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the documentary “Weaving Threads Across Borders” on internally displaced persons and forced migrants.
06.02.2023: swissinfo
Demographic shifts cause Swiss labour market crunch
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on demographics and migration.
Also available in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Pas raciste, le marché du travail suisse? Lisez plutôt
Robin Stünzi, Education, Careers and Equal Opportunities Officer of the nccr – on the move, on labor market discrimination.
15.01.2023: Blick
Weil Schweizer weniger arbeiten Zuwanderer füllen die Lücken
Michael Siegenthaler, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on immigration and shortage of skilled labor.
03.1.2023: RSI News
Il bisogno di manodopera porta crescita demografica
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on demographics and migration.
06.11.2022: Le Courrier
«Il faut rendre la race visible»
Matteo Gianni, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on racism.
19.10.2022: swissinfo
«Die Fünfte Schweiz und ihre starke helvetische Verbundenheit»
Laura Ravazzini and Livia Tomás, respectively PostDoc and Doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, on Swiss people over 55 and their ties to Switzerland even when they live abroad.
08.09.2022: swissinfo
Migrant workers head back to Switzerland as Covid-19 restrictions end
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on Migration and Mobility Survey 2020.
Also available in Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, French, and Russian.
07.08.2022: swissinfo
On the up: second-gen migrants in Switzerland surpass their parents educationally
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on Migration and Mobility Survey 2020.
Also available in German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, and Russian.
24.04.2022: Le Temps
Dans la fabrique des bons Helvètes
Anne Kristol, former doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, on her exhibition in Bulle (FR) about naturalization.
05.04.2022: SRF
Neues Leben in der alten Heimat: Rückkehr nach Portugal
Liliana Azevedo, associated doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, on the results of a study on retirement in Portugal.
24.03.2022: RTS
Réfugiés ukrainiens: une générosité coupable?
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the solidarity towards Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland.
20.03.2022: RTS
La Suisse devra s’adapter à l’afflux de réfugiés ukrainiens, estime Etienne Piguet
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the the nccr – on the move, on Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland.
16.03.2022: Corriere del Ticino
Profughi«Non è la prima volta che rispondiamo con questa empatia»
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the the nccr – on the move, on Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland.
28.02.2022: RJB
La Suisse face à l’afflux de réfugiés ukrainiens
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland.
06.01.2022: RTS
Plus de 28’000 migrants ont traversé la Manche, un chiffre qui explose
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the the nccr – on the move, on current immigration flows to the UK
13.01.2022: rendez-vous SRF
Mehr als die Hälfte der Einwanderer ist bald wieder weg
Johanna Probst former research associate and Gianni D’Amato, Director of the nccr – on the move, on the stay rates and the departures of immigrants in Switzerland ten years after their arrival
21.12.2021: SRF
Nach der Flucht in den Hörsaal
Katrin Sontag, PostDoc in the nccr – on the move, on the project “Offener Hörsaal” and their work for refugee students to get access to higher education.
13.12.2021: ArcInfo
Mobilité transnationale: l’Université de Neuchâtel passe sous la loupe les pratiques des plus de 55 ans
Mihaela Nedelcu and Eric Crettaz, Project Leaders of the nccr – on the move, on their survey on transnational aging.
25.11.2021: WOZ
Das Sozialamt als Migrationskontrolle
Lisa Marie Borrelli, PostDoc in the nccr – on the move, on social welfare and migration control.
20.11.2021: RTS – Forum
L’Europe vit-elle vraiment une nouvelle crise migratoire? Débat entre Etienne Piguet et Bénédicte Pételle
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the the nccr – on the move, on current immigration flows in Europe.
13.11.2021: Le Soir
Carta Academica: Peu de préjugés malgré une forte présence migrante? Un plaidoyer pour l’égalité de droits entre natifs et immigrés
Judit Kende and colleagues, PostDoc in the nccr – on the move, on inclusive integration policies.
06.11.2021: Der Bund
Sind die Bundesrichter unabhängig oder parteigesteuert?
Dominik Hangartner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the Federal Administrative Court’s political decisions when it comes to asylum decisions.
01.11.2021: Berner Zeitung
Die Männer starben, die Frauen trugen die sozialen und ökonomischen Lasten
Janine Dahinden, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on gender inequalities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
01.11.2021: Tagesanzeiger
Die Männer starben, die Frauen trugen die sozialen und ökonomischen Lasten
Janine Dahinden, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on gender inequalities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
30.10.2021: ‘Portail Audio’ on RTS
Sur quoi repose le sentiment d’appartenance dans le Val-de-Travers?
Emmanuel Charmillot, doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, on the sense of belonging to the community of Val-de-Travers.
28.10.2021: Le Temps
Vers une fin des quotas pour les étrangers qui étudient en Suisse?
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on residence permits for foreign students.
28.10.2021: ‘Tagesschau’ on SRF
Diversität in der Schweiz
Johanna Probst, former research associate and Anita Manatschal, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the results of the OFS survey on “diversity and coexistence” / “vivre ensemble” / “Zusammenleben”
La pénurie de main-d’œuvre permettra-t-elle aux étudiants étrangers de rester en Suisse?
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on residence permits for foreign students.
19.10.2021: Le Temps
Le «wokisme», obsession contemporaine
Jean-Thomas Arrighi, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the use of the word “woke.”
15.10.2021: Atalayar
Instrumentos de la Unión Europea para la externalización de la gestión de la migración irregular desde 2016
Sandra Lavanex, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the EU’s migration management.
06.10.2021: ‘Diderot – Le voci dell’attualità’ on Rete Due
Dossier: i cardini identitari svizzeri (3./5). L’immigrazione
Gianni D’Amato, Director of the nccr – on the move, on Swiss migration policies in the past and nowadays.
17.09.2021: ’12h45′ on RTS
Bienvenue à Heimatland est un jeu de rôle théâtrale qui met le public dans la peau de migrants
Laure Sandoz, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on the event “Bienvenue à Heimatland.”
16.09.2021: ‘Modem’ on Rete Uno
La crisi afghana a Palazzo federale. SEM e parlamentari a confronto sui flussi migratori
Gianni D’Amato, Director of the nccr – on the move, on Swiss political debates about welcoming Afghan refugees in Switzerland.
16.09.2021: Arcinfo
Dans la peau d’un migrant pour une expérience poignante à l’Université de Neuchâtel
Laure Sandoz, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on the experiences of foreigners living in Switzerland and the interactive event “Bienvenue à Heimatland.”
15.09.2021: RTN
Bienvenue à Heimatland : le public invité à jouer le rôle des migrants
Laure Sandoz, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on the experiences of foreigners living in Switzerland and the interactive event “Bienvenue à Heimatland.”
14.09.2021: Radio stadtfilter
Participation Gap und wie man ihn verkleinert
Anita Manatschal, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the political participation of foreigners in Switzerland.
23.08.2021: RTS
Procédure d’asile, bilan positif deux ans après la réforme de la loi
Christin Achermann, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the implementation of the faster asylum procedure in Switzerland.
02.07.2021: Le Courrier International – Courrier Expat
Sondage.La Suisse : le pays où il fallait être pendant la pandémie
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on Migration and Mobility Survey 2020.
01.06.2021: swissinfo
Few regrets for immigrants in Switzerland
La Suisse plébiscitée par sa population étrangère pendant la pandémie
Ausländische Bevölkerung während Pandemie zufrieden mit der Schweiz
La Svizzera rimane attrattiva per la sua popolazione straniera durante la pandemia
Also available in Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic and Russian.
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on Migration and Mobility Survey 2020
08.03.2021: swissinfo
Warum die Burka-Debatte so polarisiert hat
Tania Zittoun, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on Transnational Mobilities in Small Localities.
Also available in Japanese, Arabic and French.
15.02.2021: RSR1
« Le manque d’activités sociales pèse lourd sur le moral »
Tania Zittoun, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on Transnational Mobilities in Small Localities.
01.02.2021: Migros Magazin
Une étiquette lourde à porter
Rosita Fibbi, former Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on discrimination in the labor market experienced by Swiss nationals with a foreign family name.
10.12.2020: swissinfo
Full integration out of reach for non-European migrants
Un futur incertain attend les migrants extra-européens en Suisse
Aussereuropäische Migranten in der Schweiz vor unsicherer Zukunft
Un futuro incerto per i migranti extraeuropei in Svizzera
Also available in Portuguese, Spanish and Russian
Gianni D’Amato, Director of the nccr – on the move and Didier Ruedin, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the ranking of Switzerland in the MIPEX 2020 (Migrant Intergration Policy Index)
26.11.2020: Le journal du Jura
Une situation «inadmissible»
Walter Leimgruber, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on living conditions in asylum centers.
17.11.2020: SRF – Doppelpunkt
Was bringt mir der Schweizer Pass?
15.11.2020: SRF 3
Migrationsexperte: «Der Schweizer Pass hat an Wert verloren»
Walter Leimgruber, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on motivations to aquire (or not) Swiss citizenship.
13.11.2020: Der Bund
Wir produzieren gerade eine grosse Zahl kaputter Kinder
07.11.2020: Bieler Tagblatt
Es ist unzulässig, dass man Kinder so behandelt
Walter Leimgruber, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the effects of living conditions in asylum return centers on children.
28.09.2020: Das Magazin Für Politische Literatur
Hinter Der Grenze, Vor Dem Gesetz. Eine Ethnografie
Lisa Marie Borrelli and Anna Wyss, both PostDocs in the nccr – on the move, on the European asylum regime, their actors and dynamic.
23.09.2020: HR Today
L’intégration sur le marché du travail suisse des travailleurs de l’UE/AELE
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the foreign workforce in the Swiss labor market.
23.09.2020: HR Today
Il faut parler de la qualité du travail suisse et non du passeport
Eric Davoine, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the foreign workforce in the Swiss labor market.
15.09.2020: Hamburger Edition
Hinter Der Grenze, Vor Dem Gesetz
15.09.2020: Süddeutsche Zeitung
Der Spielraum der Türhüter
Lisa Marie Borrelli and Anna Wyss, both PostDocs in the nccr – on the move, on the European asylum regime, their actors, and dynamic.
03.09.2020: swissinfo
Europäer in der Schweiz hätten nichts zu befürchten
Les Européens qui sont déjà en Suisse n’ont rien à craindre
Gli europei che sono già in Svizzera non hanno nulla da temere
Sarah Progin-Theuerkauf, former Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the possible consequences of the vote on the “limitation initiative.”
02.09.2020: Le Temps
Il n’y pas d’exception suisse à la discrimination à l’embauche fondée sur la couleur de peau
Robin Stünzi, scientific officer of the nccr – on the move, on the discrimination of black people on the labor market in Switzerland.
01.09.2020: Journal 21
Trotz harmlosem Namen schwerwiegende Folgen
Sarah Progin-Theuerkauf, former Project Leader, Ensar Can, former PostDoc, Jonathan Zufferey, former PostDoc, and Philipp Lutz, PostDoc of the the nccr – on the move, on facts and analyses on migration presented at the event “Migrationsland Schweiz” / “Suisse, pays de migration.”
27.08.2020: RTS – Alter Eco
La hausse démographique, poison ou planche de salut
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the the nccr – on the move, on the demographic consequences of the free movement of people.
27.08.2020: 24 heures
Formation, recherche et innovation unies contre l’initiative UDC
Citation of the press release, on nccr – on the move researchers’ results presented at the event “la Suisse, pays de migration” at Polit-Forum in Bern.
26.08.2020: SRF 1 “Morgengast”
Diskriminierung von Personen mit fremdländischen Namen bei Wahlen
Lea Portmann, PostDoc of the the nccr – on the move, on discrimination of people with foreign names in elections.
23.08.2020: Le Temps
Les mesures d’accompagnement ont montré leur efficacité
Tobias Müller, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the increase of the competitiveness of Swiss companies through the recruitment of immigrant employees.
18.08.2020: SRF 1 “rendez-vous”
Lohnunterschiede zwischen Einheimischen und Migranten
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the the nccr – on the move, on differences of the salaries of immigrants and the Swiss residents.
19.08.2020: RTS
Qui sont ces Européens venus en Suisse via la libre circulation?
18.08.2020: RTS – La Matinale
Qui sont ces européens qui bénéficient de la libre circulation?
Laure Sandoz, PostDoc of the the nccr – on the move, on the characteristics of Europeans arriving in Switzerland through the free movement agreement.
09.07.2020: RTS
Ces travailleurs expatriés piégés à l’étranger à cause de la pandémie
09.07.2020: RTS – Tout un monde
Être expatrié en 2020, une bonne situation?
Laure Sandoz, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on expats’ immobility due to COVID-19-related travel restrictions.
24.06.2020: swissinfo
Wir müssen die Schweiz vor dem sozialen Meltdown bewahren
Flavia Fossati, former PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on social inequality and political representation.
18.06.2020: Tagblatt
«Härte führt zu einer Verelendung der Betroffenen»: Thurgauer Flüchtlingshelfer kritisieren Nothilfekonzept
18.06.2020: Kreuzlinger Nachrichten
Uwe Moor: “Nothilfe ist legale Illegalität”
Walter Leimgruber, Project Leader of the the nccr – on the move, on the emergency aid concept.
18.05.2020: RTS
Projet de CV anonymes à l’embauche dans la fonction publique genevoise
Eva Zschirnt, former doctoral student and Rosita Fibbi, former Project Leader of the the nccr – on the move, on the use of anonymous CVs for job applications in the public sector in Geneva (based on the Working Paper #20).
15.05.2020: Le Temps
Les Suisses préfèrent aider un dentiste qu’un travailleur au noir
Giuliano Bonoli, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the COVID-19 Survey and the solidarity from the Swiss with foreigners residing in Switzerland.
24.04.2020: swissinfo
“Wir müssen die Schweiz vor dem sozialen ‘Meltdown’ bewahren”
Flavia Fossati, former PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on the increase of social inequalities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
23.04.2020: RSI
Il classismo della pandemia
Lorenzo Piccoli, Scientific Officer of the the nccr – on the move, on restrictions on mobility in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and how their consequences are particularly negative for many seasonal workers, asylum seekers, and all those who cannot afford telework.
23.04.2020: Radio RaBe
Wir & die Anderen – Nationalistische Rezepte gegen Corona
Janine Dahinden, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on national discourse and cross-border and internal mobility during the COVID-19 epidemic.
05.04.2020: Washington Post
Coronavirus restrictions on movement may jeopardize the lives of the most vulnerable
Lorenzo Piccoli, Scientic Officer of the nccr – on the move, on mobility restrictions and the vulnerability of people on the move during the COVID-19 epidemic.
02.03.2020: RTS – Forum
Ces 125 communes en Suisse qui ne naturalisent (quasiment) jamais
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on municipalities that have never granted Swiss citizenship to foreign residents.
23.02.2020: Swiss Radio SRF 2 “Kontext”
Tschau Svizzera – Migranten verlassen die Schweiz
Anita Manatschal, Project leader of the nccr – on the move, on why migrants leave Switzerland.
22.02.2020: swissinfo
Swiss passport attracts more Russians than Italians
Der Schweizer Pass lässt Russen mehr träumen als Italiener
Le passeport suisse fait davantage rêver les Russes que les Italiens
Il passaporto svizzero fa sognare di più i russi che gli italiani
(also available in PT/RU)
19.02.2020: 20 Minuten
Italiener und Ösis pfeifen auf den roten Pass
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader and Deputy Director of the nccr – on the move, on the naturalization of foreigners living in Switzerland.
03.02.2020: NZZ
Was Ökonomen empfehlen, um die Gewaltneigung von Asylsuchenden zu verringern
Veronica Petrencu, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on traumatism and propensity to criminal acts of asylum seekers.
17.01.2020: Le Temps
Les Suisses d’origine étrangère sont discriminés sur le marché du travail en Suisse
17.01.2020: Le Temps
Ingénieure en Colombie, femme de ménage en Suisse
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the recognition of foreign certificates.
10.01.2020: RTS: 19h30
Les Suisses d’origine étrangère sont discriminés sur le marché du travail en Suisse
08.01.2020: RTS
Les Suisses d’origine étrangère pénalisés sur le marché de l’emploi
Rosita Fibbi, former Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on discrimination in the labor market experienced by Swiss nationals with a foreign background.
03.01.2020: Swiss Radio SRF 1 “Echo der Zeit”
Schweizer IS-Sympathisantin droht Entzug des Bürgerrechts
Barbara von Rütte, former doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, on the denaturalization of a dual Swiss national.
09.12.2019: Süddeutsche
Schatz, Du verdienst doch mehr
Co-authered by Michaela Slotwinski, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on gender norms and income misreporting in surveys.
05.12.2019: SRF
Wer eingebürgert wird, verdient mehr
Dominik Hangartner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the impact of a naturalization on the salary level.
03.12.2019: swissinfo
Do sanctuary cities exist in Switzerland?
Zufluchtsstädte – eine US-Bewegung erreicht die Schweiz
Quand les villes suisses défendent leurs sans-papiers
Esistono “città santuario” in Svizzera?
(also available in ES/PT/RU/AR/JA/RU/ZH)
Philipp Lutz, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on sanctuary cities Switzerland and the event series in Zurich, Bern, and Geneva.
01.12.2019: la télé – Diversité
La discrimination: un mythe ou une réalité méconnue?
Rositta Fibbi, Former Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the expert round table about discrimination of “visible minorities.”
20.11.2019: RTS – L’invité de La Matinale
C’est une myopie de se focaliser sur les chiffres en matière de migration
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the current migration situation and the elections in Switzerland.
15.11.2019: swissinfo
Schweizer Stimmbürgerinnen und -bürger auf dem Weg zur Minderheit
12.11.2019: Echo der Zeit
Die Anzahl der Stimmberechtigten sinkt
Joachim Blatter, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the right to vote for immigrants and second-generation residents.
06.11.2019: ref
Migrationsforscher gewinnt Latsis-Preis
Dominik Hangartner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, awarded with the Latsis price from the SNSF.
04.11.2019: Le Temps
On maintient les réfugiés à distance
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the current trends of refugees arriving in Switzerland.
29.10.2019: SRF
Neue Studie beweist: Secondos werden auf dem Arbeits- und Wohnungsmarkt diskriminiert
29.10.2019: Watson
Diskriminiert im eigenen Land – wie Eingebürgerte in der Schweiz benachteiligt werden
29.10.2019: Blick
Auch Schweizer mit Migrationshintergrund werden diskriminiert
29.10.2019: Aargauerzeitung
Trotz Schweizer Pass: Wenn Eingebürgerte im Alltag diskriminiert werden
29.10.2019: 20min
Le passeport ne suffit pas pour trouver un travail
28.10.2019: arcinfo
Le passeport suisse ne protège pas de la discrimination
29.10.2019: Le Nouvelliste
Le passeport suisse ne protège pas de la discrimination
29.10.2019: Tribune de Genève
Discrimination: le passeport suisse ne suffit pas
29.10.2019: Luzerner Zeitung
Trotz Schweizer Pass: Wenn Eingebürgerte diskriminiert werden
29.10.2019: St. Galler Tagblatt
Auch Schweizer mit Migrationshintergrund werden diskriminiert
28.10.2019: swissinfo
Posséder le passeport suisse ne protège pas de la discrimination
28.10.2019: Le Matin
Discrimination: le passeport suisse ne suffit pas
Rosita Fibbi, Nenad Stojanović, Didier Ruedin, Project Leaders, Eva Zschirnt, Daniel Auer, Robin Stünzi, former doctoral students of the nccr – on the move, and Nicole Wichmann, Administrative Director of the nccr – on the move, on discrimination experiences in the labor market, in elections and in the housing market in Switzerland.
25.10.2019: swissinfo
How Swiss migration policy could be a template for Europe
La politique migratoire suisse, une recette pour l’Europe?
Schweizer Migrationspolitik als Rezept für Europa?
La politica migratoria svizzera una ricetta per l’Europa?
(also available in ES/PT/RU/AR)
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on cantonal migration policies and the situation in Europe.
27.10.2019: RTS
Le débat – Migration, la fin des blocages?
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, discussion on the asylum system in Europe and in Switzerland.
11.09.2019: Swiss Radio SRF 1 “Echo der Zeit”
Doppelbürger soll Schweizer Pass verlieren
Barbara von Rütte, doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, on the first denaturalisation of a dual national in Switzerland.
30.07.2019: Tagesanzeiger
Kosovaren und Türken werden bei der Wohnungssuche diskriminiert
30.07.2019: Blick
Der «falsche» Name erschwert die Wohnungssuche Ausländer als Mieter unerwünscht
Daniel Auer, former doctoral student of the nccr – on the move and PostDoc at WZB on discrimination on the housing market.
20.06.2019: RTS
Plus de 70 millions de déplacés dans le monde en 2018, un record: interview d’Etienne Piguet
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the occasion of the global refugee day on the current situation of displaced people.
18.06.2019: RTS
Faut-il rendre les CV complètement anonymes? Débat entre Rosita Fibbi et Bernard Radon
Rosita Fibbi, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move in phase I, on discrimination in the labor market and the use of anonymous CVs in job applications.
09.06.2019: RTS
Un nom étranger est un désavantage pour les locataires en Suisse
09.06.2019: bluewin
Ausländer werden bei der Wohnungssuche diskriminiert
Daniel Auer, former doctoral student of the nccr – on the move and PostDoc at WZB on discrimination on the housing market.
21.05.2019: Le Temps
Les femmes immigrées moins satisfaites que les hommes
Philippe Wanner, Deputy Director of the nccr – on the move and Professor of Demographic and Life Course Studies at University of Geneva explains and comments on the results of the Migration-Mobility Survey 2018, “first of it’s kind in Europe” as highlighted in the article.
18.05.2019: NZZ am Sonntag
Integration erfolgt in der Schweiz durch Arbeit
Quote from the observation of the huge gap between political discussion and social reality, made by Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, and Didier Ruedin, Senior Researcher at the SFM and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move in “Immigration and Populist Political Strategies: The Swiss Case in European Perspective”, published in “Populism and the Crisis of Democracy” (vol. 3, Migration, Gender and Religion, 1st Edition, 2019).
15.05.2019: swissinfo
Non-EU graduates struggle with Swiss job access
Estudiar en Suiza, ¿y después? (available in Russian and Chinese)
Annique Lombard, former doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, on the situation of third-country students graduating in Switzerland.
13.05.2019: NZZ
Einwanderer und Expats machen einen Viertel der Schweizer Bevölkerung aus: Wer sind sie?
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the immigrants and expats living in Switzerland based on the Migration-Mobility Survey results.
25.04.2019: Migros Magazine
De nos jours, les Italiens jouissent d’une bonne réputation
Rosita Fibbi, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move in phase I, on the Italians living in Switzerland.
17.04.2019: swissinfo
Wir haben keine Lehren aus der Migrationskrise 2015 gezogen
Nous n’avons pas tiré les leçons de la crise migratoire de 2015
Non abbiamo imparato la lezione dalla crisi migratoria del 2015
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the migration crisis and the war in Libya.
15.04.2019: Le Temps
Tirer les leçons de la crise migratoire de 2015
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the migration crisis and the war in Libya.
14.04.2019: Radio Télévision Suisse RTS
La pression sur les classes moyennes s’accroît, selon l’OCDE
Giuliano Bonoli, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the middle class in Switzerland.
23.02.2019: Blick
Migrations-Expertin Barbara von Rütte will Dschihadisten nicht ausbürgern. Terroranschläge sind auch ohne Schweizer Pass möglich
Barbara von Rütte, doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, on human rights and the denaturalisation of jihadist in Switzerland.
17.02.2019: TagesAnzeiger
Minarettverbot schreckte Ausländer ab
Alois Stutzer, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on how foreigners living in Switzerland reacted to the anti-minaret vote.
18.12.2018: Corriere del Ticino
Altri 16,4 milioni per «nccr-on the move»
Gianni D’Amato, Director of the nccr – on the move. Funding of the new phase with 14 new research projects on migration and mobility.
Nationalfond spricht Migrations und Mobilitätsforschung Geld zu
Gianni D’Amato, Director of the nccr – on the move. Funding of the new phase and the 14 new research projects.
18.12.2018: Arcinfo
Des millions de francs pour le Pôle de recherche national sur la migration et la mobilité
Gianni D’Amato, Director of the nccr – on the move. Funding of the new phase with 14 new projects and Migration-Mobility Survey.
18.12.2018: 20 Minuten
Einfachbürger als Auslaufmodell? «Doppelbürger sind in 20 Jahren in der Mehrheit»
Walter Leimgruber, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on citizens with dual nationality.
15.12.2018: swissinfo
Pesquisa mostra como vivem os nômades globais do século XXI
Déborah Levitan, psychologist, on the results of her PhD research for the nccr – on the move showing how the global nomads of the 21st century live.
15.11.2018: swissinfo
Die zögerliche Anerkennung von Staatenlosen in der Schweiz
Barbara von Rütte, doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, on statelessness.
25.10.2018: Le Temps
Augmentation spectaculaire de la migration hautement qualifiée
Philippe Wanner, Deputy Director of the nccr – on the move and Ilka Steiner, PostDoc, on the spectacular increase of highly skilled migrants towards Switzerland. One of the results of the Migration-Mobility Survey
11.10.2018: Radio Télévision Suisse RTS « Forum »
La Suisse signe le Pacte mondial de l’ONU sur la migration: interview d’Etienne Piguet
Interview of Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the importance of the UN Global Compact for Migration signed by Switzerland, which played a key role in its development.
16.08.2018: Arc Hebdo
La Suisse plaît aux étudiants étrangers
Annique Lombard, doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, on international student mobility.
04.08.2018: Radio Télévision Suisse RTS « Forum »
La migration circulaire pourrait-elle être une solution à la crise migratoire?
04.08.2018: Avis d’experts – La RTS et les universités de suisse romande
La migration circulaire pourrait-elle être une solution à la crise migratoire?
Debate between Philippe Wanner, Deputy Director of the nccr – on the move and Alexandre Casella, former Director of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
03.08.2018: Tribune de Genève
Migrants – La route vers l’Espagne peut réduire la pression sur la Suisse
03.08.2018: 24heures
Migrants – La route vers l’Espagne peut réduire la pression sur la Suisse
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, analyzes the impact on Switzerland of the shift of migratory routes from Italy to Spain.
25.07.2018: Radio Télévision Suisse RTS
Binationalité et naturalisation facilitée pour les jeunes de la troisième génération – Interview
Interview with Philippe Wanner, Deputy Director of the nccr – on the move.
18.07.2018: 24heures
«La migration est en baisse mais on n’a rien réglé!»
18.07.2018: Tribune de Genève
«La migration est en baisse mais on n’a rien réglé!»
Interview with Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, project International student mobility between the South and the North.
15.07.2018: Blick
Junge Ausländer wollen keinen Schweizer Pass
15.07.2018: 20 Minuten
Junge Ausländer pfeifen auf Schweizer Pass
Philippe Wanner, Deputy Director of the nccr – on the move, concerning the lack of interest of young foreigners to request the Swiss nationality.
07.07.2018: 20 minuten
«Die Doppelbürgerschaft fördert die Integration»
Interview with Gianni D’Amato, Director of the nccr – on the move, commenting the double nationality for football players of the Swiss national team.
04.07.2018: Le Temps
Les cantons inégaux dans l’intégration des réfugiés
Alois Stutzer, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, project The economic impact of new migration
29.06.2018: Radio RTN
Scruter le paysage migratoire suisse
Philippe Wanner, Deputy Director of the nccr – on the move.
28.06.2018: Tribune de Genève
Un diplômé étranger sur deux reste en Suisse
28.06.2018: Le Matin
Un diplômé étranger sur deux reste en Suisse
28.06.2018: ArcInfo
Diplôme helvétique en poche, un étranger sur deux reste en Suisse
28.06.2018: Radio RTN
Diplôme helvétique en poche, un étranger sur deux reste en Suisse
28.06.2018: Radio RFJ
Diplôme helvétique en poche, un étranger sur deux reste en Suisse
28.06.2018: swissinfo
Diplôme helvétique en poche, un étranger sur deux reste en Suisse
28.06.2018: Radio Télévision Suisse RTS
Diplôme helvétique en poche, un étranger sur deux reste en Suisse
28.06.2018: L’Agefi
Diplôme helvétique en poche, un étranger sur deux reste en Suisse
Annique Lombard, doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, on the stay rates of international students
11.04.2018: Le Courrier
Discriminations ethniques sur le marché de l’emploi
Philippe Wanner, Tobias Müller, and Rosita Fibbi, Project Leaders of the nccr – the move, on ethnic discrimination in the labor market
20.02.2018: Swiss Radio RTS “18h55”
L’opération Papyrus à Genève est-elle une réussite? (podcast)
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, analyzes the program for the regularization of Sans-Papiers in Geneva
13.02.2018: BBC capital
The objects that remind us of home
Photo report about the nccr – on the move project on families in geographical itinerancy (Tania Zittoun, Project Leader, and Deborah Levitan, doctoral student
18.11.2017: Bon pour la tête
Les sans-pays: Pas de patrie pour 10 millions d’invisibles (PDF)
Barbara von Rütte, doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, commenting the situation of stateless persons in 2017
04.11.2017: Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Renaissance des Heimatbegriffs. “Heimat ist, was man daraus macht”
Walter Leimgruber, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, discussing the term and concept “Heimat”
26.10.2017: Radio X “Citoyen X”
Herausforderungen in der Integration von Migrantinnen (podcast)
Walter Leimgruber, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, commenting on challenges related to the integration of migrants
24.10.2017: Le Courrier
Une étude pointe la détresse psychologique des réfugiés
UNIGE/UNINE | L’accueil des migrants impacte leur santé
20.10.2017: 24heures
La santé des migrants pâtit des conditions d’accueil
20.10.2017: La Liberté
La santé mentale des migrants aggravée par les conditions d’accueil
20.10.2017: Swiss Radio RTS “Le 12h30”
La qualité d’accueil des migrants a un impact sur leur santé mentale (podcast)
Media coverage on the contribution “Mental Health Problems Associated with Asylum Procedures of Refugees in European Countries” by Gail Womersley and Laure Kloetzer (University of Neuchâtel) and Betty Goguikian Ratcliff (University of Geneva) in highlights #2.
21.10.2017: NZZ
Die Frage der Menschenrechte für Migranten kann man nicht auslagern
Martina Caroni, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, commenting human rights issues related to the cooperation between Switzerland/EU and the Libyan coastguard
27.09.2017: Jet d’Encre
L’Entretien Jet d’Encre #12
Interview with Noémi Michel, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on “colonial Switzerland” and contemporary racism
18.09.2017: Swiss Television SRF 1 “10 vor 10”
Das Geschäft mit den Pässen (video)
Barbara von Rütte, doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, commenting on the unequal treatment of people arising out of the the business with passports
29.08.2017: Swiss Television SRF1 “Tagesschau”
Flucht über das Mittelmeer: «Menschen dürfen nicht einfach parkiert werden»
Interview with Gianni D’Amato, Director of the nccr – on the move, commenting the agreement of the EU refugee summit on stopping migration over the Mediterrean Sea
28.07.2017: Le Temps
Philippe Wanner: «L’arbitraire n’est pas près de disparaître»
Interview with Philippe Wanner, Deputy Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the naturalization procedures in Switzerland
25.07.2017: Swiss Television SRF 1 “Der Club”
Einbürgerungen: Die Macht der Schweizermacher (video)
Stefanie Kurt, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, in a roundtable discussion on the naturalization procedures in Switzerland
25.07.2017: Swiss Television RTS 1 “Info”
Immigrés et intégration: interview du démographe Philippe Wanner (video)
Philippe Wanner, Deputy Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, providing expertise on the integration of migrants
24.07.2017: swissinfo (sda-ats)
Einer von drei Migranten berichtet laut Studie von Diskriminierung
Article on the first prescriptive findings of the Migration-Mobility Survey
24.07.2017: Blick (sda)
Einer von drei Migranten berichtet laut Studie von Diskriminierung
Article on the first prescriptive findings of the Migration-Mobility Survey
24.07.2017 (updated 28.07.2017): Blick
So fühlen sich Ausländer in der Schweiz
Philippe Wanner, Deputy Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, commenting some aspects of the first prescriptive findings of the Migration-Mobility Survey
24.07.2017: Le Matin
Comment se sentent les étrangers en Suisse?
Article on the first prescriptive findings of the Migration-Mobility Survey with comments by Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
24.07.2017: 24heures
Comment se sentent les étrangers en Suisse?
Article on the first prescriptive findings of the Migration-Mobility Survey with comments by Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
21.07.2017: Swiss Radio SRF 1 “Echo der Zeit”
Das grosse Durcheinander bei den Einbürgerungskriterien (podcast)
Stefanie Kurt, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, commenting the current and future decision-making scope in the Swiss naturalization procedures
18.07.2017: Magazin (swissinfo)
Migration: Wie lange bleiben Einwanderer in der Schweiz?
On life trajectories of migrants who entered Switzerland in 1998; source Migration-Mobility Indicators
17.07.2017: swissinfo
Wie lange bleiben Einwanderer in der Schweiz?
On life trajectories of migrants who entered Switzerland in 1998; source Migration-Mobility Indicators
09.07.2017: 24heures
Gros plan sur la détention administrative des migrants
Interview with Christin Achermann, Project Leader, and Laura Rezzonico, doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, on people in immigration detention
20.06.2017: Overview media coverage after the press release on the Migration-Mobility Indicators (PDF)
De plus en plus de migrants restent peu d’années en Suisse
Immer mehr Migranten bleiben nur ein paar Jahre in der Schweiz
20.06.2017: Swiss Television RTS 1 “Le journal 12h45”
De plus en plus de jeunes réfugiés en Suisse (video)
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, commenting on the increasing number of young refugees in Switzerland
28.05.2017: Radio Bern RaBe “Subkutan”
Integration als Voraussetzung für Integration (podcast)
Interview with Stefanie Kurt, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on the new Swiss citizenship law, which will enter into force on 1 January 2018
02.05.2017: 24heures and Tribune de Genève
Gros plan sur ces expatriés qui vivent avec leur maison sur le dos
Tania Zittoun, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the world of expats, of families that relocate frequently
27.04.2017: swissinfo
La reconnaissance des religions est l’affaire des cantons
Interview with Stefanie Kurt, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on the the recognition of religious communities in Switzerland
10.04.2017: swissinfo
La répartition de requérants d’asile par canton fait fi de la langue
10.04.2017: Le Courrier
Requérants d’asile inégaux face à la langue
10.04.2017: 24heures and Tribune de Genève
Appel à revoir la répartition des requérants en Suisse
09.04.2017: DerBund
Künstliche Sprachbarrieren für Flüchtlinge
09.04.2017: Tages-Anzeiger
Bund erschwert Arbeitsintegration von Asylsuchenden
About random refugee placement in Switzerland and its effect on the labor market integration, based on a study and with quotes by doctoral student Daniel Auer
15.03.2017: Swiss Television SRF “Kulturplatz”
Unsere Lieblingsausländer – Erfolgsgeschichte einer Integration (video)
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the integration of Italians in Switzerland
02.02.2017: 20 Minuten
SVPler will Doppelbürgern den Pass wegnehmen
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, about political claims agains dual nationality
19.01.2017: Swiss Radio SRF1 “Forum”
Sollen Ausländer der 3. Generation leichter eingebürgert werden? (PDF)
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, participates in a discussion round on facilitated naturalization of 3rd generation foreigners
Freizügigkeit fehlt die politische Unterstützung
On highlights #1, e-magazine of the nccr – on the move, discussing the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons with the EU and the implementation of the mass immigration initiative
24.11.2016: Blickwinkel – Das Magazin der fau
«Wie weit sind wir bereit zu gehen, um Kontrolle durchzusetzen?» (PDF)
Interview with Christin Achermann, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on borders and migration control
18.11.2016: swissinfo
Des apps pour réunir résidents et migrants
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on immigration policies
16.11.2016: Der Bund
Ausländer sollen abstimmen, aber nicht mitbestimmen dürfen (PDF)
Christin Achermann, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, commenting on consultative voting rights for foreigners
09.11.2016: Basellandschaftliche Zeitung
«Blonde würden sich freuen» (PDF)
Interview with Dragan Ilić, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on racial profiling
08.11.2016: Basellandschaftliche Zeitung
Dunkler als der Rest = verdächtig (PDF)
Dragan Ilić, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on racial profiling
01.11.2016: Le Temps
Les Suisses fraîchement naturalisés font grimper les taux de fécondité
Interview with Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, about rising birth rates in Switzerland
28.10.2016: Swiss Television RSI la 1 “Il quotidiano”
Le università svizzere: Neuchâtel (video)
Portrait of the University of Neuchatel featuring Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
27.10.2016: WOZ
«Woher kommst du denn?»
Noémi Michel, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on racism
24.10.2016: Avis d’experts
Comment penser le racisme aujourd’hui ? (podcast)
Interview with Noémi Michel, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, on racism
22.10.2016: Swiss Television RTS “Quinze minutes”
PME: les étrangers ont-ils moins peur d’entreprendre? (video)
Philippe Wanner, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the high number of foreigners who are founding new companies
11.10.2016: Swiss Radio RTS “Le journal du matin”
L’invité de la rédaction – Etienne Piguet (video)
Interview with Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the “new” European borders
03.10.2016: Tages-Anzeiger
Einwanderer als unfreiwillige Unternehmer
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the high number of foreigners who are founding new companies
22.09.2016: La Liberté, Le Courrier Genève, Le Nouvelliste, L’Express
Un géographe de la crise migratoire (PDF)
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on migration flows and migration policy
21.09.2016: Tagblatt
Ein Ja, das bis heute schmerzt
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the longer-term impact of the popular initiative against mass immigration
21.09.2016: swissinfo
Dis-moi où tu vis, l’étranger, et je te dirai si tu peux voter
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader, Anita Manatschal, Project Leader, and Valentin Zuber, doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, on the voting rights of foreigners in Switzerland
12.09.2016: Der Bund
Fast eingebürgert – und doch nicht Schweizer geworden
Barbara von Rütte, doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, on applying naturalization regulations retroactively
07.09.2016: Tages-Anzeiger
Schweiz schafft neue Staatenlose
Barbara von Rütte, doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, on the revocation of citizenship causing new “Sans-Papiers”
25.08.2016: Radio Bern RaBe
polyphon-spezial: Die Arbeit des Grenzwachtkorps wenn die Grenze dicht ist (podcast)
Jana Häberlein, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, commenting on the role and assignments of the Swiss Border Guards at the Swiss-Italian border in Chiasso
26.07.2016: Swiss Radio SRF2 “Kontext”
Zivil Couragiert: Sadou Bah aus Guinea (podcast)
Walter Leimgruber, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move discusses with Sadou Bah on education for asylum seekers
24.07.2016: Telebasel
Wenkenhofgespräche 3 & 4: Die grosse Furcht (video)
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, discusses immigration and the challenges for Switzerland in a panel with Charles Lewinsky, Julia Onken und Gerhard Pfister, moderated by Patrick Rohr.
10.07.2016: NZZ am Sonntag
Eintrittspreis fürs Paradies (PDF)
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, commenting on the idea of imposing a tax on immigration
29.06.2016: Swiss Radio RTS
Vers un durcissement des pratiques de naturalisation en Suisse (podcast)
Interview with Valentin Zuber, doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, about naturalization practices in Switzerland
29.06.2016: swissinfo
Pourquoi les cantons latins sont plus libéraux en matière de naturalisation
Valentin Zuber, doctoral student of the nccr – on the move, about naturalization practices in Switzerland
29.06.2016: Swiss Radio RTS
“Le Journal de 7h” (podcast)
Stefanie Kurt, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, commenting on the new Swiss citizenship law, which will enter into force on 1 January 2018
27.06.2016: Swiss Radio SRF1 “Regionaljournal Basel Baselland
Basel lehnt die Einbürgerung von zwei Mädchen ab, die den Schwimmunterricht verweigern (podcast)
Stefanie Kurt, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, commenting on the case of two girls who, due to religious reasons, refused to participate in the swimming lessons and school camps and whose request for naturalization was thus rejected
24.06.2016: CanalAlpha
La thématique migratoire et le Brexit, à tort ou à raison? (video)
Gianni D’Amato, Director of the nccr – on the move, and Jo Shaw, University of Edinburgh, at the annual conference of the nccr – on the move
20.05.2016: Bilan
Les jeunes Italiens affluent en Suisse
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, about the increase in Italian immigrants in Switzerland
17.05.2016: 24heures
Les Italiens reviennent s’installer en Suisse
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, about Italian migrants in Switzerland
27.04.2016: le 1
« Frontex est la contrepartie de la liberté de circulation »
Interview with Marion Panizzon, senior researcher of the nccr – on the move
24.04.2016: Schweiz am Sonntag
Die neue Einwanderung: Italiener lösen Deutsche ab
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, about Italian migrants in Switzerland (data provided by Philippe Wanner, Deputy Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move)
24.04.2016: Avis d’expert
Les italiens venant en Suisse aujourd’hui sont des universitaires bien formés (podcast)
Interview with Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
11.04.2016: Swiss Television RSI La 2 “60 minuti”
Le frontiere dell’integrazione (video)
Matteo Gianni, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, discussing “limits” of integration in a round table discussion
08.04.2016: Swiss Television SRF “Arena”
Schweiz ohne Gott? (video)
Janine Dahinden, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, providing her integration expertise in a round table discussion
03.04.2016: Swiss Radio SRF3 “Input”
Ausländer in der Schweiz – wer sind sie? (podcast)
Interview with Walter Leimgruber, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, as background information embedded in the radio broadcast.
01.04.2016: NZZ
Demokratie in einer globalisierten Gesellschaft
Op-ed by Walter Leimgruber, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
29.03.2016: L’Hebdo “Blog. Politique migratoire”
Les migrants ne sont pas un fleuve
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, discusses the misleading analogy of migration flows and rivers or torrents.
13.03.2016: Le Matin Dimanche
Plusieurs dizaines d’enfants réfugiés ont disparu en Suisse l’an dernier (PDF)
Stefanie Kurt, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, cited in an article about unaccompanied minors
04.03.2016: L’Hebdo “Blog. Politique migratoire”
Le BREXIT pour soulager Calais ?
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, discusses the insufficient collaboration between France and UK and its impact on the “jungle of Calais”.
04.03.2016: 20Minuten
Italo-Schweizer am ehesten auf SVP-Linie
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, commenting the voting behavior of naturalized immigrants
03.03.2016: Swiss Television RTS “Info”
Les demandes de naturalisation ont explosé dans les cantons de Vaud et de Genève (video)
Interview with Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
25.02.2016: Corriere del Ticino
«Anche la ricerca deve ampliare la sua visione» (PDF)
Interview with Janine Dahinden, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
19.02.2016: Swiss Radio RTS “Le 12h30”
La crise migratoire fera l’objet d’une “rencontre spéciale” entre l’UE et la Turquie (podcast)
Interview with Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
30.01.2016: L’Hebdo “Blog. Politique migratoire”
Les migrants vont-ils “déferler en Suisse” ?
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, discusses the probability of a massive increase in asylum claims in Switzerland as a reaction to the tightening of the migration policy in some of the Northern European countries
27.01.2016: Swiss Radio SRF2 “Kontext”
Die grosse Aufregung nach «Köln» (podcast)
Janine Dahinden, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move discusses with Franziska Schutzbach, Gender Studies, University of Basel, and Christof Moser, journalist “Schweiz am Sonntag”.
19.01.2016: Swiss Radio SRF 4 News aktuell
Flüchtlinge mit tiefem Bildungsstand – was tun? (podcast)
Interview with Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
05.01.2016: L’Hebdo “Blog. Politique migratoire”
La fermeture stimule-t-elle les naturalisations ?
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, discusses the connection between federal initiatives of the Swiss People’s Party and a possible increase in naturalizations in Switzerland
30.12.2015: Der Bund
«Die Freiwilligen werden oft als Störfaktor empfunden»
Interview with Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, as an add on to “Helfer im Asylbereich warten auf konkrete Aufgaben”
13.12.2015: 24heures
Migration: Le défi de l’intégration? «L’accès au travail»
Interview with Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
07.12.2015: L’Hebdo “Blog. Politique migratoire”
Intégration: en Suisse mieux qu’ailleurs ?
Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, is looking back at the public lecture of Thomas Liebig, International Migration Division of the OECD, which took place in the course of the nccr – on the move lecture series
18.11.2015: Canal Alpha “Journal”
L’invité plateau: Gianni D’Amato (video)
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, discusses on the Paris attacks and on the challenge of governing a plural and mobile society
10.11.2015: NZZ
Zwischen Anteilnahme und Abwehr
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, discusses on the refugee crisis
06.11.2015: Swiss Radio RTS “Forum”
Le dispositif européen de relocalisation des migrants sous pression (podcast)
Interview with Etienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
03.11.2015: Swiss Radio SRF2 “Kontext”
Wenn die Vorstädte brennen. Städte ohne Mehrheiten (podcast)
Interview with Janine Dahinden, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
29.10.2015: Swiss Television RTS “Info”
Migration / Frontières (video)
Interview with Étienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
22.10.2015: Swiss Television SRF1 “Einstein”
Migration und Menschenströme (video)
Interviews with Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader, as well as Walter Leimgruber, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
10.10.2015: Swiss Television RSI La 1 “Il Ponte”
Essere musulmani in Svizzera (video)
Matteo Gianni, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, about being Muslim in Switzerland
01.10.2015: Swiss Television RSI “Il Quotidiano”
Musulmani in Svizzera e integrazione (video)
Matteo Gianni, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, about the integration of Muslims in Switzerland
26.09.2015: Swiss Radio RSI “MOBY DICK”
Rifugiati, migranti, esclusi. La nuova selezione del genere umano (podcast)
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, discusses on the refugee crisis
16.09.2015: Le Temps
«La migration améliore les perspectives d’emplois pour les Suisses»
Interview with Tobias Müller, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
15.09.2015: Tages-Anzeiger
«Ganz Europa müsste zu einer DDR werden»
Interview with Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
03.09.2015: Swiss Radio SRF2 “Kontext”
Die Macht der Bilder (podcast)
Janine Dahinden, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move discusses with Gülsan Akkaya, Vice-President of the Federal Commission Against Racism, and Hugo Fasel, Director Caritas Switzerland
01.09.2015: Swiss Television RTS “Infrarouge”
Migrants: la honte de l’Europe ? (video)
Philippe Wanner, Deputy Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, providing his demographic expertise in a round table discussion
30.08.2015: Swiss Television RTS “Info”
Migrants / Accueil des réfugiés syriens (video, 04:52–06:54)
Interview with Étienne Piguet, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
24.07.2015: Limmattalerzeitung
Schlieren. Kaffeetreff spricht Migranten nicht an – wie geht’s nun weiter?
Interview with Janine Dahinden, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
01.07.2015: Swiss Radio SRF2 “Kontext”
Flüchtlingshilfe: Die Aufgaben gleichmässig verteilen (podcast)
Gianni D’Amato, Director and Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, elaborates on perspectives for a common European refugee policy
24.06.2015: Canal Alpha
La place de l’islam, un test pour notre démocratie (video)
Matteo Gianni, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, on the vote against the construction of minarets in Switzerland
24.06.2015: L’Express
Les musulmans en Suisse, citoyens de seconde zone?
Interview with Matteo Gianni, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move
30.05.2015: Le Nouvelliste
Les musulmans de Suisse sont des étrangers comme les autres
Matteo Gianni, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, about a study that portrays Muslims in Switzerland
03.05.2015: Swiss Radio RTS “Vacarme”
Qui sont ces jeunes musulmans qui partent faire le djihad? (podcast)
Matteo Gianni, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, about the pheonomenon of young Muslims traveling to join the Jihadist movements
18.04.2015: Swiss Television RSI La 1 “Il Ponte”
Islam e Occidente (video)
Matteo Gianni, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, participating in a discussion about Muslims in Europe
01.04.2015: Carrefours tv
Semaine contre le racisme – Table ronde, Vaud (video)
Noémi Michel, PostDoc of the nccr – on the move, participating in a round table discussion
27.02.2015: Swiss Radio RSI Rete Uno
L’anti-jihad della Confederazione (podcast)
Matteo Gianni, Project Leader of the nccr – on the move, contributing in a discussion about the Swiss actions against Jihadist terrorism
06.06.2014: L’Express
Le pôle de recherche national «On the Move» est lancé
05.06.2014: Le Courrier
Neuchâtel aborde la migration sous toutes ses coutures
18.12.2013: L’Express
L’Université de Neuchâtel décroche un pôle à 17 millions