
Professor of Migration and Citizenship Studies, University of Neuchâtel

Director of the NCCR

Project Leader

Gianni D’Amato is professor at the University of Neuchâtel, director of the nccr – on the move, and director of the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM). He is also member of the Expert Council of German Foundations on Migration and Integration. His research interests are focused on citizenship, human mobility, populism, and the history of migration.


Crisis Influence on Discourses and Policies of Migration

Historical Perspective on Mobility in Welfare States

Unity and diversity in cohesion

Discrimination as an obstacle to social cohesion

Blog posts

Email, T + 41 32 718 39 30

nccr – on the move
Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies
Université de Neuchâtel
Rue Abram-Louis-Breguet 2
2000 Neuchâtel