Anita Manatschal
The Regional Dynamics of Integration and Citizenship Regulation: An International Comparative Perspective
Regional governments compete with national and supranational actors for ownership of the regulation of immigration, asylum, and integration. Regions, Bundesländer, cantons and provinces as well as US States increasingly set their own, distinctive, policy priorities. This might lead to conflicts between governmental levels, and ultimately affects migrants’ lives. This project provides the first systematic, internationally comparative analysis of the drivers and effects of regional immigrant integration policies in multi-level systems across the world.
Project Fact Sheet (PDF)
Main Results (PDF)
Messages for Decision-Makers
Regions all over Europe, the United States, Australia and Canada increasingly engage in immigrant integration policy making, challenging or complementing central and federal governments’ policies.
Emerging regional policy differences affect immigrants’ daily life, their political participation and their willingness to become citizens of the country where they live. They also impact on the cohesion of the overall regional population.
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