This book analyses the diverse and complex interactions between the emancipatory practices of precarious (i.e. forced, vulnerable, undocumented or deported) migrants enabled by information and communication technologies, and the constraints imposed by technological tools used for surveillance and migration control. It explores the digital empowerment-control nexus by articulating the use of digital technologies – whether […]
Alors que l’on comptait 1,4 million d’étranger·ère·s en Suisse au début du siècle, leur nombre est passé désormais à 2,2 millions. Cette tendance s’accompagne d’une très forte modification de la structure socioprofessionnelle et familiale de la population étrangère. Le livre pointe les facteurs économiques et géopolitiques sous-jacents à ce changement et re-trace l’évolution du cadre […]
Taking a pragmatist approach to methods and methodology that fosters meaningful, impactful, and ethical research, this book rises to the challenge of today’s data revolution. It shows how pragmatism can turn challenges, such as the abundance and accumulation of big qualitative data, into opportunities. The authors summarize the pragmatist approach to different aspects of research, […]
Fachpersonen der Sozialen Arbeit gehören zu den wichtigsten Akteur:innen in der Integrationsarbeit mit Zugewanderten. In diesem Feld sind vielfältige neue Aufgabenbereiche entstanden, die von ausländer- und asylrechtlichen Vorgaben stark überformt werden. Integrationsarbeit ist dadurch äusserst anforderungsreich geworden. In diesem politisch sensiblen, zuweilen auch widersprüchlichen Handlungsfeld muss sich Soziale Arbeit unter Wahrung ihres professionellen Ethos und […]
Drawing on the study of different cities in the Global South, this book explores how the intensive use of data changes politics, power relations, and everyday life in contemporary cities.Across the volume, expert contributors show how urban actors, from the state to activists, are increasingly using data as a resource to empower their actions and […]
The open access publication of this book has been published with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation. This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the right to citizenship in international and regional human rights law. It critically reflects on the limitations of state sovereignty in nationality matters and situates the right to citizenship […]
Qui décide selon quels critères on peut devenir suisse? Quels sont les imaginaires de suissitude mobilisés dans le cadre de la naturalisation? Pourquoi la politique de naturalisation suisse est-elle si restrictive en comparaison internationale? Ces questions sont abordées dans l’exposition Naturalisation, développée conjointement par le Musée gruérien et l’Université de Neuchâtel. En mêlant reconstitutions, documentation […]
Moving, slowing down, or watching others moving allows people to cross physical, symbolic, and temporal boundaries. Exploring the imaginative power of liminality that makes this possible, Liminal Moves looks at the (im)mobilities of three groups of people – street monkey performers in Japan, adolescents writing about migrants in Italy, and men accompanying their partners in […]
This open access short reader provides a state of the art overview of the discrimination research field, with particular focus on discrimination against immigrants and their descendants. It covers the ways in which discrimination is defined and conceptualized, how it is measured, how it may be theorized and explained, and how it might be combated […]
Migrating Borders explores the relationship between territory and citizenship at a time when the very boundaries of the political community come into question. Made up of an interdisciplinary team of social scientists, the book provides new answers to the age-old ‘question of nationalities’ as it unfolds in a particular context – the European multilevel federation […]
Véritable plongée dans les méandres du système de l’asile, cette étude propose de suivre les trajectoires des réfugiés à partir de leur arrivée en Suisse. S’appuyant sur une remarquable compilation de données issues de la statistique publique, l’auteure met en évidence les désavantages chroniques auxquels sont confrontés les réfugiés sur le marché du travail, tant […]
Hunderttausende Geflüchtete erreichen jährlich die »Festung Europa«. Doch was geschieht nach ihrer Ankunft?Hinter der Grenze, vor dem Gesetz ist ein rechtssoziologischer Beitrag zur Debatte um Migrationssteuerung und Zugehörigkeit. Die Studie beschreibt den Umgang mit und die Kontrolle von »unerwünschter« Zuwanderung, aber auch wie das Aufenthaltsrecht angewandt, ignoriert, umgedeutet und idealisiert wird, und wie Recht und […]
Il volume svolge una attenta analisi delle caratteristiche della nuova migrazione italiana collocandola nel quadro del nuovo corso che la Svizzera ha impresso alla propria politica di immigrazione e di integrazione all’inizio del nuovo secolo: il libro si sviluppa così su due linee direttrici complementari. Gli autori esaminano dapprima le trasformazioni della politica elvetica: quali […]
La question de l’asile polarise l’opinion publique en Suisse depuis 40 ans. Dès son entrée en vigueur en 1981, la loi sur l’asile a été révisée à de nombreuses reprises, notamment en vue de durcir l’accès à la procédure d’asile ainsi que les conditions d’accueil. Parmi les discours légitimant cette inflation normative, celui de la […]
With attention to the transnational dance world of salsa, this book explores the circulation of people, imaginaries, dance movements, conventions and affects from a transnational perspective. Through interviews and ethnographic, multi-sited research in several European cities and Havana, the author draws on the notion of “entangled mobilities” to show how the intimate gendered and ethnicised […]
This book focuses on the coordination between family life and professional career under the condition of repeated mobilities. It analyses the division between the labour force work and the care work of couples of highly-skilled migrants settling in either Switzerland or Germany. A mutually exclusive model provides an innovative understanding of gendered hierarchies in career […]
In 2008 the world experienced the Great Recession, a financial and economic crisis of enormous proportions and the greatest economic downturn since the 1930s. In its wake, unemployment became a key preoccupation of West European publics and politicians. This comparative study considers the policy debates surrounding unemployment in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark […]
This open access book analyses the strategies of migration intermediaries from the public and private sectors in Switzerland to select, attract, and retain highly skilled migrants who represent value to them. It reveals how state and economic actors define “wanted immigrants” and provide them with privileged access to the Swiss territory and labour market. The […]
This open access book provides insight on current patterns of migration in Switzerland, which fall along a continuum from long-term and permanent to more temporary and fluid. These patterns are shaped by the interplay of legal norms, economic drivers and societal factors. The various dimensions of this Migration-Mobility Nexus are investigated by means of newly […]
The scope and complexity of child migration have only recently emerged as a critical factors in global migration. This volume assembles for the first time a richly interdisciplinary body of work, drawing on contributions from renowned scholars, eminent practitioners and prominent civil society advocates from across the globe and from a wide range of different […]
This collective volume draws on the themes of intersectionality and overlapping policy universes to examine and evaluate the shifting functions, frames and multiple actors and instruments of an ongoing and revitalized cooperation in EU external
The word ‘diaspora’ has leapt from its previously confined use – mainly concerned with the dispersion of Jews, Greeks, Armenians and Africans away from their natal homelands – to cover the cases of many other ethnic groups, nationalities and religions. But this ‘horizontal’ scattering of the word to cover the mobility of many groups to […]
Die Dissertation untersucht das Spannungsfeld der Religionsfreiheit und des religiösen Diskriminierungsverbots und zeigt auf, inwiefern die Integrationsdebatte auf diese Grundrechte auf nationaler, wie kantonaler Ebene, einwirken und welche Auswirkung die derzeitige Praxis auf den Umgang mit religiösen Minderheiten hat. ? Im ersten Teil erfolgen Ausführungen zu den religiösen Minderheiten in der Schweiz ? Der zweite […]
Based on a qualitative study on migrants of Somali origin who have settled in Europe for at least a decade, this open access book offers a ground-breaking exploration of the idea of mobility, both empirically and theoretically. It draws a comprehensive typology of the varied “post-migration mobility practices” developed by these migrants from their country […]
Pour la première fois en Suisse, toutes langues confondues, un ouvrage offre une vision d’ensemble du droit des migrations. Sous la direction des professeurs Minh Son Nguyen et Cesla Amarelle, près de trente auteurs issus de la pratique, des autorités administratives et judiciaire ainsi que du monde académique – tous passionnés du droit des migrations […]
Stefan Schlegel wendet die Theorie der Verfügungsrechte auf das Migrationsrecht an und illustriert deren Erkenntniswert für das Migrationsrecht am konkreten Beispiel des Schweizer Rechts. Nach der Theorie der Verfügungsrechte besteht die Aufgabe der Rechtsordnung in erster Linie darin, Verfügungsrechte über Güter in der Gesellschaft zuzuordnen und festzulegen, nach welcher Transaktionsregel das Verfügungsrecht übertragen werden kann. […]
Das Jahrbuch für Migrationsrecht 2015/2016 befasst sich mit dem Themenkomplex «Schweiz und Europa» und behandelt die beiden aktuellsten Brennpunkte: die schwierige Neugestaltung des Freizügigkeitsregimes mit der EU und die «Flüchtlingskrise» in Europa.Das Jahrbuch berichtet zudem umfassend über die Praxis schweizerischer und internationaler Gerichte in den vergangenen 12 Monaten und zeichnet die nationalen und internationalen Rechtsentwicklungen […]
With the theory of secularization increasingly contested as a plausible development at a global scale, this book focuses on the changing significance of the religious element within a context of complex diversity. This concept reflects the rationale behind the deep transformations that have taken place in the dynamics of social change, giving way to a […]