Videos and Podcasts
Démographie: Quels phénomènes influencent la croissance d’une population ?
Andreas Perret, Aurélie Pont et Annique Lombard ont produit une vidéo de visualisation de données représentant l’accroissement de la population Suisse en 2020.
Podcast: Impact of COVID-19
The corona pandemic brought human movement across borders, and to some extent also within states, to a sudden halt. This made us all realize that not only movement – or mobility – has its importance, but also immobility. Based on the findings of six nccr – on the move researchers the following podcast explores what “mobility” or “immobility” means for those concerned. The podcast was produced by Peter Hanselmann from Podcastschmiede, Winterthur. Contributors: Leslie Ader, Oliver Pedersen, Yvonne Riaño, Laure Sandoz, Ibrahim Soysüren, Eva Van Belle
Videos on #NCCR Women
#NCCRWomen: Aurélie Pont, Ph.D. student in demography
Meet Aurélie Pont, a Ph.D. student in demography at the nccr – on the move and at the University of Geneva. After a few years working as a social worker, Aurélie decided to pursue her studies and is now working on statistical data on naturalizations in Switzerland to understand what makes foreigners want to become citizens.
#NCCRWomen: Anita Manatschal, Assistant professor and political scientist
Meet Anita Manatschal, an Assistant professor in Migration Policy Analysis and a Political Scientist at the nccr – on the move and the University of Neuchâtel. In her research and teaching, she examines the impact of migration and mobility on policy, and conversely, how policy affects the lives of migrants.
#NCCRWomen: Katrin Sontag, Postdoc and cultural anthropologist
Meet Katrin Sontag, a Postdoc fellow and a cultural anthropologist at the nccr – on the move and the University of Basel. She studies migration to help understand how different people experience migration, where opportunities but also difficulties arise, or where people are in need.
#NCCRWomen: Leslie Ader, Ph.D. student in history
Meet Leslie Ader, a Ph.D. student in history at the nccr – on the move and the University of Neuchâtel. Through her research, she examines to what extent migrants with disabilities are included or excluded in the legal system.
#NCCRWomen: Stefanie Kurt, Assistant professor and legal scientist
Meet Stefanie Kurt, an Assistant professor and legal scientist at the nccr – on the move and the HES-SO Valais-Wallis. Her research interest is on the implementation of migration law by the authorities, the effects on the individuals and families concerned, and what this means for social cohesion.
Videos on COVID-19 and (Im-)Mobility
COVID-19, A Crisis of Both Internal and International Mobility
The video presents the Citizenship, Migration and Mobility in a Pandemic (CMMP) tool, based on two collected datasets providing systematic information on which governments have taken which measures and at what moment. This project was co-funded by the Research Council of the European University Institute and carried out in collaboration with GLOBALCIT.
Effects of COVID-19 on the Migrant Population in Switzerland
The video presents the results of the Migration-Mobility survey, organized every two years, which provided us with the opportunity to measure the impact of the first wave of the Covid 19 pandemic on the lives of 7,400 migrants of foreign nationality residing in Switzerland at the time.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Border Discourses
The video shows research results on the impact of COVID-19 on border discourses and communication regarding mobility in Europe.
Support and Opposition to Migration
The video shows research results on support or opposition to migration in times of crisis.