Network Office

As the operational unit of the NCCR, the Network Office is in charge of ensuring the day-to-day business of the NCCR. Primarily, this includes activities in finance, reporting, communication, data management, knowledge transfer, training and equal opportunities.

Administrative Director
Nora Bardelli, Email, T + 41 32 718 39 61

Scientific Officer
Lucas Oesch, Email, T + 41 32 718 39 62

Education, Careers and Equal Opportunities Officer
Robin Stünzi, Email, T + 41 32 718 39 60

Communication Officer
Inka Sayed, Email, T + 41 32 718 39 39

Knowledge Transfer Officer
Coming soon

Data Manager
Andreas PerretEmail, T + 41 32 718 39 29

Administrative Assistant
Gina Fiore Walder, Email, T + 41 32 718 39 35