Autor: Anna Wyss

Mobility as a Forced Condition – Uneven Access to Stable Living Conditions

11.11.2020 , in ((Swiss Asylum Policy and Legislation)) , ((Keine Kommentare))

Asylum and migration policies seek to steer those who can enter and remain on national territory, but also to curb migrants’ onward mobility. The Dublin Regulation, for instance, was introduced to prevent so-called secondary movements within Europe – and thus, to limit the mobility of ‘unwanted’ migrants. Little attention is ...

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Implementing Dublin – Perspectives on the Legislation-Practice Continuum

13.05.2019 , in ((Politik, Schengen/Dublin)) , ((Keine Kommentare))
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When examining how migration laws and policies are implemented, the relation between those written texts and enacted practices becomes of crucial interest. This was highlighted in our collaborative research on contested migration control in the Schengen Area. In the following, we will focus on the Dublin Regulation and its implementation ...

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