Gender, Skills, Migration
11.07.2019 , in ((Gender, Skills, Migration))
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Raquel Delgado Moreira
Without women, the nccr – on the move would stand still. The promotion of female academic careers was one of the declared structural goals of the NCCRs (National Centres of Competence in Research) upon the creation of this instrument in the late 1990s and it continues to be so. But
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09.07.2019 , in ((Gender, Skills, Migration))
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Raquel Delgado Moreira und Nicole Wichmann
In this contribution to the Blog Series “Gender, Skills, Migration” we assess the performance of the nccr – on the move in realizing one of its strategical goals, namely the equal opportunities of its members. Some partial goals, such as gender balance and increased sensitivity, have been achieved, but at
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02.07.2019 , in ((Gender, Skills, Migration))
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Laure Sandoz
Actuellement, près de la moitié des personnes immigrées viennent en Suisse pour y travailler et une grande partie d’entre elles ont déjà un contrat de travail à leur arrivée. Ces migrations de travail sont le plus souvent masculines, tandis que les femmes sont surreprésentées parmi les personnes qui migrent pour
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27.06.2019 , in ((Gender, Skills, Migration))
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Philippe Wanner
Longtemps masculine, la migration s’est progressivement ouverte aux femmes par le biais du regroupement familial, conduisant à des défis pour l’intégration des femmes et des enfants sacrifiés fréquemment sur le marché du travail et au niveau de leur formation, au bénéfice de la carrière du conjoint et père. Plus récemment,
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25.06.2019 , in ((Gender, Skills, Migration))
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Roxane Gerber
Upon arriving in host countries, highly skilled immigrant women face numerous challenges entering the labor market. Not only may it be difficult to find a professional occupation, but that occupation may not suit their educational level, skills or knowledge. A recently published working paper shows the importance of family obligations
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