
COVID Postscript

14.05.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility)) , ((Keine Kommentare))

The COVID-19 outbreak has emphasized more than ever the question of how researchers can avoid reproducing the problematic and racialized representation of the “migrant” resulting from states’ efforts to prevent certain people’s mobilities. Recognizing how the national-scale perspective shapes and restricts our thinking, and starting by not differentiating between migrants ...

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The Migrant-Citizen Nexus in View of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Can We De-Migranticize Responses?

12.05.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility)) , ((Keine Kommentare))

The world has been confronted by not only the coronavirus pandemic, but also a surge of national(ist) responses to it. By closing their borders and introducing a travel ban for the Schengen Area, European countries have retreated into national fortresses that nonetheless remain highly unequal internally, prioritizing their own citizens’ ...

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Transnational Entrepreneurs: Between Vulnerability and Solidarity

07.05.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility)) , ((Keine Kommentare))

The immobility caused by the current coronavirus crisis affects migrant entrepreneurs in Switzerland who depend on transnational connections for their businesses. Their reactions to the outbreak highlight their vulnerable position, but also their creativity and the importance of supportive networks for building resilience. In recent years, transnational entrepreneurs have been ...

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Crude and Standardized Rates of Ordinary Naturalization in Swiss Municipalities: New Interactive Maps

30.04.2020 , in ((Politik, Practices)) , ((Keine Kommentare))

This is a repost of a blog contribution published at GLOBALCIT, European University Institute on 13 March 2020. Immigrant naturalization in Switzerland is often characterized by a generally restrictive approach yet with substantial variation in policies due to the complex multi-level naturalization procedure: ordinary naturalization is based on a three-level ...

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Das kritische Potential der Ausnahme für die Post-COVID-19-Normalität

09.04.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility, Politik)) , ((Keine Kommentare))

COVID-19 stellt unser soziales, politisches und wirtschaftliches Leben auf den Kopf. Zumindest zwischenzeitlich. So nötig und nachvollziehbar die vom Bundesrat verordneten Einschränkungen sind, so erstaunlich ist die weitgehend unkritische Diskussion der Restriktionen. Laufen wir damit Gefahr, dass sich die Einschränkungen in der Post-COVID-19-Ära zur Normalität mausern? Aus Spitälern geklautes Desinfektionsmittel, ...

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