Author: Christina Mittmasser
10.11.2022 , in ((Corps et espaces en temps de crises))
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Suzy Blondin, Suncana Laketa, Christina Mittmasser und Laure Sandoz
Des crises multiples traversent notre époque, de la crise climatique à la pandémie, en passant par la montée des inégalités. Une perspective féministe centrée sur les corps – examinant la façon dont ils sont perçus, traités, contrôlés, mais aussi dont ils agissent, ressentent et se défendent – peut-elle nous aider
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01.03.2022 , in ((Politik))
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Christina Mittmasser
De nombreux·ses migrant·e·s peinent à trouver un emploi correspondant à leurs compétences et à leurs aspirations en Suisse. Ils/elles sont contraint·e·s de baisser, de reporter ou de réorienter complètement leurs ambitions professionnelles. Cependant, ces dernières années, les migrant·e·s ont commencé à chercher collectivement à améliorer leur situation et à contester
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08.02.2022 , in ((Politik))
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Christina Mittmasser
Many migrants struggle to find work according to their skills and aspirations in Switzerland. They are forced to downsize, postpone, or completely redirect their professional ambitions. In recent years, however, migrants have started to collectively seek to improve their situations and challenge these exclusionary logics through various initiatives. Migrant-run organizations
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07.05.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility))
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Laure Sandoz und Christina Mittmasser
The immobility caused by the current coronavirus crisis affects migrant entrepreneurs in Switzerland who depend on transnational connections for their businesses. Their reactions to the outbreak highlight their vulnerable position, but also their creativity and the importance of supportive networks for building resilience. In recent years, transnational entrepreneurs have been
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18.02.2020 , in ((Erfahrung, Politik, Practices))
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Lisa Marie Borrelli, Christina Mittmasser, Io Chaviara, Michalis Kastanidis und Anne-Claire Adet
Imagine living in a confined space, without a feeling of being „home“ and being controlled by institutional actors. With this in mind, two filmmakers tackled the theme of encampment. They joined our recent discussion after the first „On the Mov(i)e“ event, sharing their reflections on the conceptualization of encampment and
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