International Advisory Board
This page is accessible to the IAB members of the nccr – on the move.
Anna Amelina, Cottbus University
Bridget Anderson, University of Bristol
Pau Baizan Muñoz, ICREA Barcelona
Pieter Bevelander, Malmö University
Anita Böcker, Radboud University
René de Groot, University of Maastricht
Godfried Engbersen, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Adrian Favell, University of Leeds
Andrew Geddes, European University Institute
James Hollifield, Dedman College
Jo Shaw, University of Edinburgh
Patrick Simon, INED Paris
Ann Singleton, University of Bristol
Your role
We ask members of the International Advisory Board to:
(1) participate to the activities of our project in Switzerland at least once a year: the research days, the public lectures series, the Neuchâtel Graduate Conference in September, the retreat in November;
(2) act as peer-reviewer for our working paper series or for other project related activities;
(3) help us organising at least one presentation of the research of the nccr – on the move in your home institution and/or host one of our visiting fellows.
As recognition of your efforts, we are offering a honorarium of CHF 500/day for field visits as well as travel and accommodation costs to Switzerland.
In the following paragraphs, you can find the strategic documents of the nccr – on the move that may be of relevance for you, sorted out chronologically.
Pre-Proposal: third phase of the nccr – on the move, March 2021
Intermediate Report of our activities, March 2021
Our 2020 agenda
Short description of the research projects
Evaluation of the Review Panel, July 2020
Letter from the Review Panel, June 2020
White Paper on the Publications of the nccr – on the move
Matrix with an overview of all our publications
Calendar with the nccr – on the move events (Sept – Dec 2020)
Your involvement with the nccr – on the move
Overview of your participation to the events of nccr – on the move in 2019
Minutes of the discussion at the nccr – on the move retreat (14-15 Nov 2019)
Our 2020 agenda