To describe migration-related phenomena, we need to reflect on the terminology and choose the most adequate one that allows us to determine whether migration is the (main) cause of a phenomenon, a consequence, or even unrelated and misattributed. We argue that the use of such terminology in quantitative and experimental research is often flawed because […]
Since the 1990s, many European and Latin American countries have changed their laws to permit the acquisition of dual citizenship. This shift has accompanied the increase in Latin American migration to Europe and poses new challenges for studies on migrants’ integration, which are often based on nationality. We investigate the labour market incorporation of the […]
Categorising certain forms of human movement as ‘migration’ and others as ‘mobility’ has far-reaching consequences. We introduce the migration-mobility nexus as a framework for other researchers to interrogate the relationship between these two categories of human movement and explain how they shape different social representations. Our framework articulates four ideal-typical interplays between categories of migration […]
Se estudia el emprendimiento y la reintegración de personas colombianas que migraron a Venezuela hacia el año 2000 y fueron deportadas a Colombia en 2015 por el gobierno venezolano. Se investiga hasta qué punto sus movilidades espaciales transfronterizas y sus redes sociales contribuyen al avance de sus microemprendimientos, y cómo el contexto geopolítico influye en […]
Transnational corporations have been long recognized as the building blocks of global system theory and their impact is widely acknowledged and studied. By comparison, we have insufficient understanding of transnational practices ‘from below’. We argue that focusing on transnational migrant entrepreneurship is a novel opportunity to gain insights into the social and economic processes of […]
Immigrants are increasingly participating in politics, publicizing their political concerns and contributions. How does such political participation relate to national majorities’ immigration attitudes? Previous research suggested potential improvement of majority attitudes but also demonstrated the exacerbation of perceived threat. We investigated whether greater immigrant political participation is related to more positive or negative immigration attitudes […]
Située à l’ouest de la Turquie, aux confins de l’Orient et de l’Occident, la ville d’Izmir diversifie ses rôles à l’égard des flux migratoires récents qui la traversent. Lieu de transit privilégié vers l’Europe toute proche, la ville est devenue un espace d’installation pour les migrants réfugiés syriens ayant fui leur pays après la guerre […]
In 2022, Europe experienced unprecedented citizen mobilizations to help Ukrainian refugees. Based on two parallel lines of scholarship, we examined individual prosocial dispositions and superordinate identities related to intentions to help Ukrainians. Employing a French-speaking student sample in Belgium (N = 374), in Study 1, we showed that dispositional prosociality and European identification were both positively related […]
The objective is to summarize and synthesize research literature on Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland. This is achieved with a systematic review, mostly in the form of a narrative review and with statistical indicators that are synthesized. There is a wide range of evidence on Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland and their integration, although substantive and systematic […]
Einar, a 94-year-old Faroese man who has always resided on the island of Suðuroy, has lived through several societal crises. In this article, I explore his experiences of living through three of them, highlighting his ability to maintain an imagination of in the future and detailing how crises interact over time. I propose that Einar’s […]
Werner Greve argues for an abstract and integrative theory of development; to progress toward such a theory, he suggests that evolutionary psychology can provide concepts for a processual approach to adaptation. To complement this perspective, I propose to start where the author finishes: the need to further qualify change, and to account for information. Considering […]
We ask how human behavior changes when racial discrimination is costly and when choices are risky. By asking N=4,944 participants in Germany to form a soccer team in a series of online experiments, we measure decision-making in an accessible way. Higher costs of discrimination can reduce disparities, but we show that these costs can also […]
Western democracies have an economic interest in admitting immigrants but at the same time they fear the political costs of doing so. A recurring idea to help reconcile this tension is to allow for temporary mobility of immigrants while restricting their permanent settlement. Trying to shed light on this matter, this article studies whether and […]
The evolution of the international refugee regime is ostensibly driven by three ongoing processes: the proliferation of protection frameworks, growing restrictiveness in the Global North, and the liberalization of asylum in the Global South. Insights from the novel SACOP dataset, which provides original information on asylum policies in 195 states from 1951 to 2021, question […]
Why do some migration policies cause controversial debates while others are barely noticed? And why do migration policies consistently fail to meet their stated objectives? This paper argues that identifying the underlying perspective that informs migration policy-making can be a productive tool to answer these questions. I start by reviewing notions of ‘migration’ and ‘mobility’ […]
The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the economic contribution of migrant workers in maintaining essential services and access to goods. This new perspective on migrants as essential workers raised expectations in migration studies that it could reinvigorate an inclusive setting in terms of migration debates and policies. Building on this potential, we examine migration debates in the […]
Migration is widely considered a sensitive and contested area of EU policymaking, with Member States reluctant to cede control. Yet, supranational rules on ‘legal migration’ increasingly reduce Member State discretion to control migration. While Commission entrepreneurship has been proposed as an explanation, its importance for supranational outcomes remains unclear. To understand the role of Commission […]
This article analyzes the Migration–Mobility Nexus (MMN) and shows how it can be conceived as a tool to make sense of the relationship between migration and mobility. Being polysemic, the term nexus offers three different ways to conceptualize this relationship: as continuum, process, and dyad. The first highlights the connected space between long-term and short-term […]
Focusing on the intersections between bureaucracies of welfare and migration control, this article interrogates how decisions about the future stay of non-citizens receiving social assistance are made in a relational interplay of different offices and actors in Switzerland. We investigate how relational decision-making is fundamental in crafting legitimate decisions about the exclusion of “poor others.” […]
Im Zusammenhang mit dem Aufenthaltsstatus schränken viele Länder die Arbeitsmarktmobilität gewisser Migrant:innen ein. Insbesondere im Rahmen von Gastarbeitsprogrammen wird die Aufenthaltsbewilligung oft an den Arbeitgeber geknüpft. Dies verleiht den Arbeitgebern höhere Verhandlungsmacht in der Lohnfestsetzung und könnte damit Lohndruck begünstigen. Dieser Artikel untersucht diese These anhand des Saisonnierstatuts in der Schweiz, das 2002 abgeschafft wurde. […]
In my contribution to this symposium, I engage with Adrian Favell’s ‘integration nation’ in two ways: I maintain that, in addition to what Favell suggests, the integration nation recently became deterritorialized by reaching out beyond its national borders, designing some people as ‘immigrants’ and subjecting them to ‘integration policies’ before they even leave their country. […]
This article introduces a novel transnational family configuration (TNFC) approach to study the diversity of family forms across kinship and geographical boundaries. Integrating theoretical insights from family sociology and transnational family research, it examines contemporary families as personal networks that encompass both subjectively identified and potentially transnationally dispersed kin and non-kin members. Drawing on original […]
The European Union (EU) increasingly seeks cooperation with transit and sending countries to prevent irregular migration and enforce returns. Yet, these countries have little incentives to engage in such cooperation. To overcome interest asymmetries, the EU has sought to link trade and migration control in its preferential trade agreements (PTAs). Drawing on a comprehensive dataset […]
Focusing on the intersections between bureaucracies of welfare and migration control, this article interrogates how decisions about the future stay of non-citizens receiving social assistance are made in a relational interplay of different offices and actors in Switzerland. We investigate how relational decision-making is fundamental in crafting legitimate decisions about the exclusion of “poor others.” […]
The effect of COVID-19 lockdowns on the shift from in-person (offline) social interactions to online interactions and its consequences on social support and stress attracted scholarly attention. However, much less is known about how individuals’ prior mobility experiences have influenced coping with this shift. In the present research, we hypothesized that people with mobility experiences […]
Empirical research suggests that societies that are diverse as a result of international migration have lower levels of social trust, but little is known about the mechanisms underlying this relationship. The authors test one possible mechanism: that conationality increases interpersonal trust and the willingness to reciprocate trust. As part of large-scale surveys in the United […]
This article analyzes the Migration–Mobility Nexus (MMN) and shows how it can be conceived as a tool to make sense of the relationship between migration and mobility. Being polysemic, the term nexus offers three different ways to conceptualize this relationship: as continuum, process, and dyad. The first highlights the connected space between long-term and short-term […]
Current integration regimes increasingly require migrants to share constitutional values. Taking Switzerland as a case study, the paper analyzes this integration requirement based on the legal framework, problem-centred interviews among public authorities and street-level bureaucrats, case files and case law. It argues, first, that the requirement re/produces the social imaginary of society as a community […]