Beschert uns die Personenfreizügigkeit tiefere Löhne und Arbeitslosigkeit?

24.08.2020 , in ((Begrenzungsinitiative)) , ((Keine Kommentare))

Migration ist in der Schweiz ein Thema, das Emotionen schürt. Man spricht in diesem Kontext häufig von Überfremdungsängsten, Dichtestress und Integrationsschwierigkeiten. Am meisten Anlass zu Befürchtungen gibt aber die Annahme, dass die zunehmende Konkurrenz durch Zuwandernde die Löhne der Einheimischen senkt oder sie gar aus dem Arbeitsmarkt verdrängt. Viele dieser ...

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Migration and Mobility During COVID-19: What the Swiss General Public Thinks

20.08.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility)) , ((Keine Kommentare))
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Switzerland severely restricted movements across and within its borders to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. How supportive were the Swiss residents of these measures? And who did they think should still be allowed to enter Switzerland even when the borders were generally closed? The results show that Swiss residents support ...

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Non-Citizen Voting Rights: A New European Network

18.08.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility)) , ((2 Kommentare))

As borders closed and countries shifted to a national focus, establishing lockdowns and social distancing measures,  these extraordinary circumstances actually sped up the creation of a new network linking six initiatives in different European countries striving to obtain voting rights for residents without the local citizenship. Current debates and protests ...

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Has COVID-19 Increased Solidarity Towards Foreigners in Switzerland?

13.08.2020 , in ((COVID-19 + Mobility)) , ((1 Kommentar))

The COVID-19 crisis has had various economic and social consequences in Switzerland, particularly on the most vulnerable populations. At the same time, internationally mobile populations were also affected by border closures. Therefore, it is no wonder that among the questions that emerged were the attitudes and reactions of the native ...

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